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Gazprom will close Nord Stream 1 for three days, just to remind the Germans who is in charge …

Gazprom will shut off all gas flows to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline from August 31 to September 2, the Russian gas giant announced Friday .

The reason for the 3-day suspension of gas flows through the pipeline would be due to maintenance work at the Trent 60 gas compression station, which would have been carried out with Siemens.

Maintenance was not scheduled and tensions between Russia and the EU are expected to increase and Germany, already in the midst of an energy crisis, will suffer a further restriction of gas supplies. In reality, Nord Stream 1 currently provides less than 20% of its gas potential, so the significant decline can be compensated for. Meanwhile, the Siemens turbine repaired in June has never been taken over by Gazprom.

Siemens claims that the work on the turbine has been completed for weeks and that it has been waiting in Germany for Gazprom to provide the customs documents necessary for its return. Gazprom, however, said Siemens did not provide it with the necessary documents to allow the turbine to be returned despite the sanctions. The feud – which has now spilled over to Twitter, with the two sides fighting for the turbine by posting playlists for the lone turbine – would be comical if it weren't for the havoc that reduced gas shipments have had on gas prices in the country. Europe which reached 244 euros per MW / h.

Before the original turbine was shipped for repair, Germany warned that Russia might not resume flow through Nord Stream once the repair work was completed, in retaliation for sanctions against Moscow.

Based on the pattern we have seen, it would not be very surprising if some small technical detail were found and Russia completely blocked the flow of gas. Not that what comes now is particularly relevant, in the end it would essentially be a political choice. Moscow reminds Berlin that its industrial boom was just a feint based on cheap Russian gas, and Germany is learning the lesson at a great cost.

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The Gazprom article will close Nord Stream 1 for three days, just to remind the Germans who is in charge… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gazprom-chiudera-nord-stream-1-per-tre-giorni-tanto-per-ricordare-ai-tedeschi-chi-comanda/ on Sat, 20 Aug 2022 08:00:42 +0000.