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Economic Scenarios

Gentiloni celebrates the rescue of Greece. The Greeks are economically dead. Tomorrow the Italians

How nice, Commissioner Gentiloni celebrates the end of the period of "Special Observation", that is, of the commissioner, of Greece which is now saved through the reforms. Of course, this proclamation does not mean that Athens has returned to being an independent state, because the threat to "Continue to follow the reform process" continues closely.

So is Greece safe? In reality, its debt is always skyrocketing, just under what it was in 2012 when the debt crisis broke out. All these years of sacrifices, the intervention of the ESM and the IMF and the ECB have only been able to confirm that European austerity policies are unable to solve any debt problems.

GDP debt is close to 200% of GDP. worse than it was at the start of the crisis. The Trojka "Supervision" did not solve the problem, on the contrary it made it worse.

Let's not talk about GDP per capita, which has fallen by 25% from the highs of 2008, the consequences of a senseless austerity policy, only as an instrument of punishment.

Obviously, minimum wages have plummeted, only recently recovering in the face of a very strong inflationary push, as in the rest of Europe …

Obviously, consumption has fallen, which is a sign of an increasingly poor population that sometimes deprives itself of the indispensable …

So is Greece safe? No, public debt is in any case skyrocketing and, with the interest rate hike desired by the ECB, it will once again be intolerable. What we are experiencing is just a holiday, while the extreme impoverishment of citizens is real, who have seen powerfully cut income and consumption, as well as social safeguards. All for what? To remain in the Euro or to satisfy the sadistic desire of the Germans to humiliate and punish the Mediterranean countries?

Whatever Gentiloni says, the history of Greece is that of a colossal political failure of the EU and of austerity policies. This country has been painfully turned into a zombie at the expense of the citizens, but you will never hear this admission on TV, as you will never hear the real economic data. Yet this is the reality of the facts.

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The Gentiloni article celebrates the rescue of Greece. The Greeks are economically dead. Tomorrow the Italians comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gentiloni-celebra-il-salvataggio-della-grecia-i-greci-sono-economicamente-morti-domani-gli-italiani/ on Sun, 21 Aug 2022 13:17:39 +0000.