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German citizens don’t want the Tesla factory (so learn not to come to Italy…)

Tesla factory in Germany

The majority of citizens of Grünheide have spoken out against the planned expansion of the Tesla factory: a group of activists has now occupied the forest area earmarked for the expansion. You don't trust politicians to adhere to the popular vote.

Around 80 activists from the “Stop Tesla” initiative occupied a forest near the company's car factory in Grünheide to protest against the planned expansion of the factory. They also want to support the vote of the citizens of Grünheide, who in a survey of residents spoke out against the relevant development plan, as the initiative announced on Thursday.

The group has built treehouses on the forest, a 120-hectare plot, which is to be cut down to expand the site. Environmental activists said the occupation near the Fangschleuse train station was planned for an indefinite period of time.

“Our main concern is the drinking water protection zone,” said activist Caro Weber of the German Press Agency. The initiative does not trust politicians to follow the will of residents, since the existing plant had already been built with special permits granted by various levels of government.

Part of the Tesla site is located in the drinking water protection area. Tesla also built its factory using advance approvals.

The company's expansion plans for the car factory were largely rejected by the citizens of Grünheide. Nearly two-thirds voted against the plan last week. The vote is not legally binding. The city council has yet to approve a development plan and the pressure for it to be given the green light is strong.

In addition to the existing 300-hectare factory, the electric car manufacturer wants to build a freight yard, warehouses and a company kindergarten. To achieve this goal, more than 100 hectares of forest will be cut down.

It is not clear why Tesla necessarily wanted to build in the middle of a forest. If it had come to Italy there were huge abandoned industrial areas to be razed to the ground, without environmental problems.

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The article German citizens don't want the Tesla factory (so they learn not to come to Italy…) comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-cittadini-tedeschi-non-vogliono-la-fabbrica-tesla-cosi-impara-a-non-venire-in-italia/ on Thu, 29 Feb 2024 11:00:26 +0000.