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Germany: 500 children attempted suicide in the COVID period. The real victims of the pandemic

The German newspaper Die Welt gives us a picture of the real victims of Covid-19, or rather of the so-called preventive measures, at least Germany. We have no reason to think that in Italy it is different.

About 500 children have been treated in intensive care units nationwide in Germany, after attempting suicide between March and the end of May 2021. This corresponds to an increase of about 400 percent over the period before the pandemic. This is the result of a study by the university clinic in Essen, as reported by the head of the pediatric intensive care unit there, Christian Dohna-Schwake, in the cast of the video " 19 – the visit ".

This development, which is based on data from 27 German pediatric intensive care units, "surprised" him. The blockade and closure of schools in the spring of last year would have been the trigger, Dohna-Schwake said of the possible causes. This was particularly stressful for children who had previously suffered from depression or anxiety disorders. "Social contacts outside of social media have had a preventive effect," Dohne-Schwake said in the cast of the video.

Based on the study submitted for international publication, his recommendation is therefore to keep schools open as long as possible. But Omicron is coming and it is so frightening to many that they would like to close the whole life of man, and of the child, within four walls. Until they die.

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The article Germany: 500 children attempted suicide in the COVID period. The real victims of the pandemic come from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/germania-500-bambini-hanno-tentato-il-suicidio-nel-periodo-covid-le-vere-vittime-della-pandemia/ on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 17:24:51 +0000.