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Germany approves the sending of armored vehicles to Ukraine. They arrive armored from NATO countries …

The German Ministry of Defense has approved the supply of Armored Personnel Vehicles (APCs) to Ukraine from the German Democratic Republic (DDR) warehouses, which are now located in the Czech Republic.

“These are 58 armored personnel vehicles… (known as BMP-1s in GDR times) are equipped with cannons and machine guns and were standard equipment for the Warsaw Pact armies. Armored personnel vehicles came into the possession of the German armed forces after reunification and were initially handed over to the Swedish army in the late 1990s. This later sold them to a Czech company, which is now trying to sell them to the Ukrainian army. Due to their origin, a permit from Germany was required for the transaction. Now this permission has come.

Approval for the sale had previously been denied by the federal government. The Czech company would have already wanted to sell the same tanks to the Ukrainian army in 2019, without success. At that time, Angela Merkel's government had decided not to hand over arms to Ukraine in order not to endanger the dialogue with Russia. This veto no longer applies after the "turning point" proclaimed by Olaf Scholz, but in any case it is the first time that a NATO country has authorized such a transaction.

However, delivery to Ukraine will not take place immediately as the tanks still need to be repaired and put back in order first, which will take a few weeks. We remind you that these are vintage vehicles, dating back to the sixties as a design and probably to the 70s as a production. Really old vehicles, which however will clash with their equivalents still used by the Russians.

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The article Germany approves the sending of armored vehicles to Ukraine. They come armored from NATO countries… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-germania-appprova-linvio-di-mezzi-blindati-in-ucraina-arrivano-corazzati-dai-paesi-nato/ on Fri, 01 Apr 2022 16:00:20 +0000.