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Economic Scenarios

Germany: green energy becomes strategic, to overcome opposition

In Germany, green energy is getting serious, as reported by Welt, so much so that the government would even be ready to overcome the legal limits of private property and the opposition presented through the judicial system: in fact the federal government wants to make renewable energy a question of national security, acquiring a very important power for overcoming the blocks deriving from animal rights or local interests. But the decision was not taken by everyone in a calm way: for example, the FDP, the liberal party, warns of a "blank check". Conservationists speak of a “license to kill wildlife, so much so that several lawsuits are ready.

The situation is paradoxical and, frankly, disturbing: Merkel, as well as the European Union, have made enormous promises, frankly embarrassing in their unrealism. By setting goals, as they say in Berlin and Brussels, "Ambitious", an emergency is created that does not exist and, to overcome the problem, extraordinary powers are assigned that go beyond the property rights of individuals and the possibility of protest for those who do not consider it right to find a 50 meter wind turbine in the garden. Even more amusing is the fact that environmental groups are also opposing these measures in the name of protecting birds, which would be prevented from opposing the new plants.

By defining wind energy plants as "strategic and necessary for national security" on the one hand, Merkel actually shows her commitment to the pursuit of green sources, but on the other, it almost puts an end to any discussion even from an economic point of view on these energy sources. Precisely this point worries the Liberals and should worry the German citizens, who will pay with their own skin and their own pockets for the commitment of their politicians in the construction of this enormous ecological pyramid. after all Merkel will leave power next year and this utopia seems to be, more than anything else, her unresolved historical legacy, a bit like unification was for Kohl. A feat for her, but then a problem for her successors who risk being swept away.

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The article Germany: green energy becomes strategic, to overcome the opposition comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/germania-lenergia-verde-diventa-strategica-per-superare-le-opposizioni/ on Mon, 12 Oct 2020 13:12:22 +0000.