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Germany: in Berlin the left suffers a historic defeat

Berlin, which has always been a stronghold of the left, sees an epochal electoral result, with the local government majority made up of the SPD, the Greens and the Linke suffering a resounding defeat.

Here are the practically final results of the electoral round:

The CDU, the moderate party, gained nearly 10% of the vote to 28%, an achievement it hadn't seen since 1999, in a city that has always been governed by various forms of leftist juntas since its unification. The SPD loses 3% and the greens also lose 0.4%. The loss of the radical left of the Linke is more sensitive, with a minus 1.7%. The AfD increases its votes by one percent, while the FDP, the liberals, risk not not entering the local assembly, given that they are dropped from 7% to 4.7%, therefore below the threshold for obtaining representation. In this case, the FDP pays for the national contradictions, that is, for being liberal in a left-wing government.

The defeat brings a certain political confusion: the Berlin Greens are decidedly leftist and are not open to a government agreement with the CDU, and, likewise, the formation of a “Grosse Koalitione” is unlikely. So it will probably come to some new form of left-wing junta that will be able to continue the policies, bordering on real estate expropriation, which led to today's result. Forward as always, until the final defeat.

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The article Germany: the left suffers a historic defeat in Berlin comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/germania-a-berlino-la-sinistra-subisce-una-sconfitta-storica/ on Mon, 13 Feb 2023 07:00:51 +0000.