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Germany makes hard energy saving measures mandatory.

According to media reports, Germany approved a bill on Thursday that would make energy saving measures mandatory in all economic sectors.

The new law, called the Energy Efficiency Act , would regulate energy conservation in public buildings, industry and data centers in hopes of reducing energy consumption by 26.5 percent by 2030 compared to 2008.

The energy efficiency law goes beyond measures Germany took last year as it operated amid fears that energy supplies could become scarce due to gas supply restrictions from Russia. In August last year, Germany banned swimming pool heating, restricted heating above 19 C in office buildings and banned heating in some public areas. Hot water was turned down for hand washing in bathrooms, and the lighting of monuments and advertisements was mostly banned.

In short, a sad, cold country that fully shows its decadence.

In 2022, Germany's energy consumption has fallen to its lowest level since 1990. It is unclear where the government wants to push it with its maximalism.

The new law – a scaled-down version of a bill introduced in April – will require companies to draw up plans to save energy, but binding measures are not part of the bill. The chief executive of the DIHK Chambers of Commerce and Industry said that new measures could not be adopted without “endangering economic growth” in Germany.

However, climate group Germany Energy Efficiency Initiative said Germany was still unlikely to reach its 2030 goal of reducing emissions by 65% ​​compared to 1990.

Reducing energy consumption is just part of Germany's aggressive green initiatives. Earlier this week, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that renewable energy sources were expected to generate more than 50% of the country's electricity this year, with Germany setting a goal of reach 80% by 2030, but “we won't get there”. at the current rate,” Habeck added.

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The article Germany makes hard energy saving measures mandatory. comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-germania-rende-obbligatorie-le-misure-di-duro-risparmio-energetico/ on Fri, 22 Sep 2023 07:00:45 +0000.