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Economic Scenarios

Germany: the elections will lead to an epochal change

INSA Polls has prepared, for the upcoming elections on 26 September, a constituency-by-constituency poll showing which party is the majority in each of them. Let's see how the German political map changes:

Survey data

Some notes:

  • first of all it is evident that the whole northern part of Germany passes from the CDU, what is called "Union", to the SPD;
  • Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria remain the only two major lands in the hands of the CDU, but even here with some shadows.For example, Stuttgart, where Mercedes is based, would become Green. Munich almost becomes a social democratic city;
  • The Ruhr becomes a social democratic fiefdom.
  • the AfD not only confirms its presence in Saxony, but also expands it by taking a large part of the city of Dresden.

If these data are confirmed we will see a sea change in Germany, where the CDU thought it was perpetually in government. Little will change for us: they will always remain austere. Maybe a bit more hypocritical.

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The article Germany: the elections will lead to an epochal change comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/germania-le-elezioni-porteranno-ad-un-cambio-epocale/ on Fri, 24 Sep 2021 06:00:01 +0000.