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Germany: the real instigator of the invasion of Ukraine

yesterday a certainly non-sovereign newspaper, Politico, headlined " How Germany helped to open Putin's path in Ukraine ". Because it is evident that two factors convinced Vladimir Putin that he could act, almost with impunity:

  • the bad figure Biden remedied in Afghanistan, who gave the plastic idea of ​​how compliant, bungling and disorganized the US leadership is now;
  • the apparent, if not actual, German compliance, and therefore consequently the idea, absolutely founded, that there would be no reaction in the event of a Russian military intervention.

Let's face it: in the end, if Germany lets there be a military intervention in Ukraine without doing anything, indeed taking advantage of Russian gas, why should it do something for the Baltic republics or Poland. We have already seen this in the small migrant crisis with Belarus, another small test of the sloth of NATO and the EU: in the end no one did anything practical and Poland had to fend for itself.

Not only Germany with the mix of selfishness and facade ecology that distinguishes it has imposed the Russian quasi-monopoly for gas supplies to Europe. This by canceling Shell's investments in the North Sea with environmental policies, made in Berlin, thus sabotaging every Italian attempt in the Mediterranean. Today Germany feels a bad conscience, but don't worry, a little Henkel detergent and everything turns whiter than before. Speaking of chemistry, look for what the German giant BASF does between Germany and Russia.

However, someone so reviled today had fully understood what was going to happen. Hear what Trump said to his German counterparts at a NATO summit

Ah of course, Von Der Leyen has now promised "Harshest Sanctions Ever Seen" against Russia. words in an attempt to cover up a guilty conscience. Don't worry, a little bit of environmentalism, a little bit of politically correct, and everything will become cleaner than before …

PS: do you know that former German Chancellor Schroeder still sits stubbornly on the Gazprom board of directors?

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The article Germany: the real instigator of the invasion of Ukraine comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/germania-il-vero-mandante-dellinvasione-dellucraina/ on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 12:29:02 +0000.