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Economic Scenarios

Government crisis: here are the results of our survey. Here’s what you actually want, and what you think is important

While social media is crowded with appeals to Draghi to remain in the government of Italy, with some frankly ridiculous aspects, we asked our readers what they think, if they want to vote or not, and what they would like in the program of a party to vote for it. We have done what no one seems to have the courage to do. ask, at least to your readers, what they think.

Here are the results. The first poll, the one on the Draghi government, the transitional government or the elections received 1647 votes. Not a few, even on a hot Sunday in July. Here are the results

87% would like to vote immediately, 8 & would still like Draghi, minimal percentages of those who would like other governments or I don't know. At least our constituents are informed and have a clear opinion. If they could, they would march, but to send the government home and vote.

What points, on the other hand, do they consider essential for a political party? Here is the result of the second question, which received 1506 answers

In this case, 28% would like the party programs to have greater autonomy from the EU and the ECB, i.e. they would like more national sovereignty: In second place they would like greater protection of personal rights, including in the health field, an evident fallout of vaccination obligations . If our constituents represent the electoral body, as in France, they would drop the Green Pass. In third place energy and economic autonomy, and in fourth a policy more attentive to national interests. So no "European interests"

If nothing else, our readers have very clear ideas, but there is the feeling that by now a part of the electoral body politic is completely excluded from the political discussion, humiliated and ignored. A real wound to democracy that is inflicted every day in the mass media.

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The Government Crisis article: here are the results of our survey. Here's what you really want, and what you think is important comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/crisi-di-governo-ecco-i-risultati-del-nostro-sondaggio-ecco-cosa-volete-in-realta-e-cosa-ritenete-importante/ on Mon, 18 Jul 2022 11:00:30 +0000.