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Greece: Economist speaks of a “Hellenic miracle”; but the Greeks disagree

The British Economist speaks of a "Greek miracle" to praise the work of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, (New Democracy, EPP); that, after ousting Syriza, Tsipras' party, from government, would achieve incredible results during his rule. The prime minister is one of Brussels' favorite figures, loved by the Commission and by Parliament, who does not condemn the harsh stance against immigrants. For the Economist he is not a politician, he is a prophet capable of working miracles. it reduces taxes, increases pensions and the minimum wage, reduces the Deficit/GDP ratio also thanks to inflation, it even has financial startups (Viva Wallet). Mitsotakis has taken, according to the British, a sinister hell and turned it into a pro-European paradise.

But there is a problem: citizens have a completely different view compared to that of the British press: in fact, according to polls, the government party currently gets fewer votes than in previous elections. On the contrary the villains of Syriza are on the rise, together with the communists of the KKE, while the socialists are stable as well as the ECR affiliates of “Greek solution”.

How come the Greeks don't reward such an efficient government as Mitsotakis? Could it be that looks can be deceiving and the Greeks have a bit too long a memory for British tastes? GDP has increased, but it is still far from that before the debt crisis also caused by European policies

Minimum wages have increased, but have not returned to the level of 2012…

Among other things, the increases were eaten by inflation that exceeded double digits for quite a while. At this point Mitsotakis' increases were almost inconsequential

Greece will no longer be a "Special Surveillance", but the wealth and well-being of citizens are still far from those of 2010, so, after the honeymoon, citizens are once again discontented. We don't know how the elections will go, but surely the European and British falling in love with the Greek prime minister is not shared by Greek citizens, who expect something more that cannot be obtained under the European regime.

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The article Greece: Economist talks about a “Hellenic miracle”; but the Greeks disagree comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/grecia-economist-parla-di-miracolo-ellenico-ma-i-greci-non-sono-daccordo/ on Sun, 23 Apr 2023 16:56:06 +0000.