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Green Pass extension: who voted for and against in the European Parliament

In the context of our cam, pagna per la transparency, here are the names of those who voted for and against the extension of the green pass for another year today in the European Parliament.

Here is the complete list and then we will put the names of the Italians, one by one


Not enrolled (M5s or former): Ferrara, Furore, Giarrusso, Pignedoli:

EPP (Forza Italia): Isabella Adinolfi, Caroppo, De Meo, Dorfmann, Patriciello, Regimenti, Salini, Tajani Vuolo

S&D (PD): Bartolo, Benifei, Bonafé; Cozzolino De Castro, Ferrandino, Gualmini, Laureti, Majorino, Moretti, Pisapia, Roberti, Smeriglio, Tinagli, Toia,

RE (Calenda Italia Viva): Calenda, Danti, Zullo.

Verdi: Evi


ECR (Brothers of Italy): Berlato, Fidanza, Fiocchi, Procaccini, Sofo

ID (Lega): Adinolfi, Baldassarre, Basso, Bizzotto, Borchia, Campomenosi, Ceccanti, Conte, Da Re, Dreosto, Gancia, Grant, Lancini, Lizzi, Panza, Rinaldi, Sardone, Tardino Tovaglieri, Zambelli, Zanni.

S&D (PD): Picierno (Will she be wrong ???)

Verdi: Corrao D'Amato, Pedicini.


ECR (FdI) Rent

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The article Green Pass extension: those who voted for and against the European Parliament comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/proroga-green-pass-chi-ha-votato-a-favore-e-contro-al-parlamento-europeo/ on Thu, 23 Jun 2022 20:16:40 +0000.