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Economic Scenarios

Gualtieri “We will stop the right in Europe”. Rinaldi “Better think about Rome”. Which in fact…

Since Rome has no problems, the mayor Roberto Gualtieri, from the Ravenna Unity Festival, decides to throw himself into the European competition:

“We will stop them, (referring to the centre-right) as we stopped them at the last European elections, that will be the first stage in the construction of an alternative and the salvation of this country which we will save from the irreparable decline where this government risks taking us”.

Of course, proposing yourself as an alternative after 20 years of government is, to say the least, curious…

Another Roman, Antonio Maria Rinaldi, MEP, responded to him by return post:

“I read that Roberto Gualtieri, from the Unity party in Ravenna, intervenes to talk about the Stability Pact, European rules, Gentiloni and Salvini. But does Gualtieri know that he is the mayor of Rome? Did someone explain it to him?

As a Roman citizen, I am ashamed of the state our city is in, now immersed in degradation with waste, inconvenience, wild animals on the loose and the absence of essential services.

Instead of going around the Unity celebrations to discuss European issues, Gualtieri thinks about administering Rome: almost two years after the 2021 municipal elections, the only thing Romans remember him for are his guitar playing on live TV ”.

Because before stopping "the Right", Gualtieri would have some small problems to solve in Rome, such as waste, or security, or urban jungle-style wild boars. The garbage situation in Rome is becoming a tourist attraction for the Eternal City, so to speak. In fact this is what the German channel Pro Sieben dedicated….

Gualtieri is doing so well in Rome that he is proposing his solutions to Europe…

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The Gualtieri article “We will stop the right in Europe”. Rinaldi “Better think about Rome”. Which in fact… comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gualtieri-fermeremo-le-destre-in-europa-rinaldi-meglio-che-pensi-a-roma-che-in-effetti/ on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 20:19:56 +0000.