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Economic Scenarios

Have courage: rather than a mandatory buffer, close cinemas and theaters

This is, of course, a provocation, but successful. By now we have Don Abbondio who governs the CTS and the Ministry of Health, so, not having the courage, he thinks of a measure that will destroy the entertainment sector: the mandatory buffer to access cinemas, theaters and mass public entertainment for all, vaccinated and not.

The reason is trivial and we collect it a colon:

  • to go to the cinema, ticket costs from 6 to 9 euros, I will have to spend at least 15 for the test. If a family has children, goodnight;
  • however I would have to queue up at the pharmacy to equip myself with the test in question. So going to the cinema, or the theater, becomes a real programming activity, which includes a certain amount of luck.

I am speaking to you from direct experience: last week I went to the restaurant and the cinema in a medium-large Italian city. If in November I had to book, in the week preceding Christmas, the traditional territory of class and office parties, I ate comfortably and in a half-empty room. Ditto the cinema, even if the title was one of the most important of the period.

The scaremongering distributed by the media is already destroying commercial and service activities, especially in a season like the present where 30% of the turnover of the year is concentrated. Therefore, not being sufficient, other measures are thrown at random which will destroy the commercial activity in an essential period. If the minister who proposed all this had the courage, he would have directly imposed the closure, with adequate refreshment. Instead, conditions are put in place that will lead to closure anyway, but they pretend that this will be their free choice.

The story is identical to that of the Green pass and vaccination: there is no courage to make it mandatory and to respond in the case of adverse effects, so a surreptitious obligation is imposed, pretending that it is voluntary. Here the conditions are set for failure, only to then, perhaps, affirm that "It is the fault of the market." Among other things, the government is finally accepting the claims of the skeptics that the vaccine does not cover the contagion, a colossal communicative self-goal. Italy does not need hypocrites, but serious people.

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The article Have courage: rather than a mandatory buffer, close cinemas and theaters comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/abbiate-coraggio-piuttosto-che-tampone-obbligatorio-chiudete-cinema-e-teatri/ on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 21:53:05 +0000.