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Economic Scenarios

HEALTHCARE: FROM THE BALDUZZI FEE TO THE DAYTONA FEE. Or give a South American passport also to Dr. Balanzoni (by Diana S.)

The order of doctors was played by the Cuban salsa of the cooperatives but the music was not liked, in particular in Padua, where South American doctors work in the emergency room hired through a contract between the Ulss and the Mst Group srl.

The disappointment of the medical category was expressed by the president of the order of doctors of Padua – Dr. Crisarà- and by the regional secretary of hospital doctors of Veneto – dr. Barutta – who from the daily newspaper il Mattino di Padova have launched their cry of pain, asking that South American doctors be subject to the control of the order.

Yet the situation of doctors hired with cooperatives is certainly not new, for months health professionals from other parts of Italy and not only have been going to Padua to work overtime paid in gold to be able to buy the Daytona (see Morning of Padua of 19 October 2022).

At that time the stomach ache of hospital doctors against external doctors, in need of a new watch, was silenced by the cause of force majeure of the epidemiological emergency; now that "the king is naked", they try to find the culprits that will lead to the de facto abolition of the order of doctors.

The question of the alleged protection of the patient has itchy only now that the salary difference with respect to the doctors of the cooperatives has become untenable for the hospital doctor.

If the medical profession were really animated by the unconditional love for patients, it is not clear why they did not raise doubts regarding the millionaire contracts in which they are not promptly illustrated with the due accuracy of the case. The millionaire contracts will inevitably translate into fewer patient care services.

Nor can it be excluded that the doctors of the cooperatives are literally paid in gold, a tot per kilo, based on body weight.

To eliminate the delays in waiting lists, the “Balduzzi quota” was introduced a few years ago, ie a sum withheld from intra moenia services.

Too bad that instead of recovering the waiting lists, there are no lists at all and it is easier for the Cup operator to give the right numbers to win the lotto than to find a place to see their right to health protected and it comes to think that the Balduzzi share has been transformed into the Daytona share.

The golden bridges to the cooperatives were erected (also) with the law decree n. 172 of 26.11.2021 which, in article 1 letter c), extends the vaccination obligation to various categories of personnel except "those who work with external contracts".

The staff hired by the cooperatives are excluded by law from the vaccination obligation, as if the cooperative employee status grants immunity to the SARS Cov disease. There will be no shortage of provisions from the various Italian courts that will illustrate the underlying scientific law, certainly the greatest experience is the privatization of health care.

In Italy, therefore, it is possible to practice the profession of doctor without being registered in the register and without being vaccinated against Sars Covid, it is enough to have non-EU citizenship and work through a cooperative.

One thought can only go to Dr. Balanzoni, a victim of reverse discrimination , to whom we recommend taking Cuban citizenship and then getting hired by some cooperative, and if she will work for 2000 euros for a double shift and would like to buy watches of luxury, we ask you at least to show them to us, it seems that Daytonas are very fashionable.

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The article HEALTH: FROM THE BALDUZZI QUOTA TO THE DAYTONA QUOTA. Or give a South American passport also to Dr. Balanzoni (by Diana S.) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sanita-dalla-quota-balduzzi-alla-quota-daytona-ovvero-date-un-passaporto-sudamericano-anche-alla-dottoressa-balanzoni-di-diana-s/ on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 20:33:14 +0000.