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Economic Scenarios

“Hello, she passed away from COVID, without her knowledge”. Then trust the daily data

A case, fortunately amusing, narrated to Radioradio explains how well the databases of covid-19 and daily deaths work. The lady whose stories you read certainly appeared in the daily death lists and will have increased the pressure for closures, lockdowns, etc.

"First of all, my partner and I came out of Covid and I would like to reassure having the utmost respect for all the people who have died that we went through it with only one foot, in the sense that at 37.5 ° C we boys have the characteristic to suffer a lot from the influences (in the past my influences were tearing) and this at 38 ° C for me was a health walk.

The story My partner goes to have a swab, she contacts her doctor because as she is busy she needs to ask for additional days off for the illness, but the doctor can no longer find it in her database. “There is your father, there is your brother, there is your nephew but you are no longer present”, he says. After 20 minutes he calls her back and with a certain amount of joy and with a smile, the doctor tells her that she is dead. She then said it to me and we had a laugh ”.

“I wonder then if it can be plausible the concept that a person at night takes someone who appears in the database of the health service as Covid sick and does not let him die for a few hours and then bring him back to life with a simple click. This person would never notice. Basically I am terrified of the idea that there may be a path by which the data of deaths that are not dead are kept high, to then justify all these closures “.

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The article "Hello, you died of COVID, without your knowledge". Then trust the daily data comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/buongiorno-lei-e-deceduta-di-covid-a-sua-insaputa-poi-fidatevi-dei-dati-giornalieri/ on Thu, 03 Dec 2020 17:14:20 +0000.