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Economic Scenarios

Hope responsible for half of the infections, and for senseless rules. We dismiss him, and open the cities

Professor Maria Rita Gismondo was clear: Minister Speranza is guilty of half of the infections. this is due to the poor communication of the minister who said that with the anti-covid vaccine he was sure not to be infected. Too bad that, not being a vaccine, but a therapy, there has been no prevention and the false, wrong, widespread safety has helped to spread the contagion itself. Let's listen to his voice.

Instead, Speranza doubled, with incomprehensible restrictions right from February 1st, when other countries, such as Denmark, just open completely from the same day, and others just closed nothing or almost nothing, like the United Kingdom. Professor Raimondo says it clearly: the question is POLITICAL, not scientific: They consciously want to maintain a repression, or rather an oppression, without there being any scientific confirmation at the basis of the decisions.

Mario Giordano himself showed how everything is back to normal in Denmark. Is Denmark in the EU or on the moon?

Italy maintains the repressive measures because, without these, it would be difficult to keep the people good. Or because they want the success of Sanremo by keeping people locked up at home. Meanwhile, our services are languishing, our cities seem to be the images of De Chirico, empty. A plan of economic destruction and political repression wanted and led by a handful of men, including Roberto Speranza, who unfortunately sits in the government. The Italians suffer.

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The article Hope responsible for half of the infections, and for senseless rules. We dismiss him, and open the cities comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/speranza-responsabile-della-meta-dei-contagi-e-di-norme-insensate-dismettiamo-lui-e-apriamo-le-citta/ on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 12:30:05 +0000.