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Horn of Africa: a thousand US soldiers arrive

As the crisis in Tigray, on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea, reignites, the US army decides to send 1,000 men of the Virginia National Guard to the Horn of Africa region, in what is one of the largest missions of the National Guard since end of the world war.

The soldiers are expected to be sent to the continent in early 2022, according to a Guard source cited by Military.com. Although the spokesperson did not specify their destination, the United States Joint Counter-Terrorism Mission in East Africa is based at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, where some 3,400 US personnel are currently stationed. It is unclear whether the Guard soldiers will mark an increase in the overall troop level or replace others already deployed.

The creation of the new task force comes despite claims by the Joe Biden administration to end the sprawling War on Terror launched in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, which saw US military operations in more than a dozen countries. Although Biden implemented his predecessor's plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan earlier this year, extensive counter-terrorism operations in the Middle East and Africa continued.

In the meantime, as we have written, the fighting has started again in the Tigray front, a region on the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia and which contains many names tragically, or heroically, known to our history. While a month ago the rebels seemed able to reach the capital Addis Ababa, now the government forces, having gone into the counter-offensive , have captured the sacred city of Lalibela. However, the fighting is still ongoing and the US is sending new troops not far from this troubled area.

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The article Horn of Africa: a thousand US soldiers arrive comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/corno-dafrica-arrivano-mille-soldati-usa/ on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 10:00:08 +0000.