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How well are the French “Covid Passes” working in reality?

On the first day that Macron's new compulsory Covid Pass program went into effect, police visibly patrolled bars and cafes asking customers to show proof that they had been hit.

However, this appears to have been largely a bluff as just a few days later, businesses and locals became very careless in checking people's documents despite the threat of hefty fines.

“I decided to do a simple experiment to find out: always submit an expired test even if I had a valid negative one, and see what happens,” writes blogger Hearn.

“During a four day stay I was required to show a valid pass exactly zero times; which includes airports in both directions. Compliance is absolutely minimal and often lower ”.

“In small businesses, the application is non-existent: sometimes the pass requirement was completely ignored, other times we were asked 'do you have a pass' and our answer was not verified.

One restaurant had come up with a clever way to detect police bites without requiring customers to actually present a pass. As expected, the enforcement has been more stringent on the part of the larger companies, however some companies have also used their imagination, creating "Token" passes which are accepted even if the passes have expired. Other times you "Check" the QR without verifying it, so it could also be the shopping code.

Hearn also reveals that the mandates of masks are not followed in theme parks and other places, despite the signs everywhere ordering people to cover their faces, while social distancing is also a "forgotten memory".

Images showing empty cafes and bars on the first day the system was introduced may have scared locals into taking a more tolerant approach, even at the cost of being fined.

By approving the law but failing to ensure that it is enforced, France is following the same model as Israel, where a control system has been introduced which later proved to be theoretical and not applicable.

Macron said the system should "Defend freedom" by creating a system that, in theory, locks people in prison. Then whether the system works or not is a different matter.

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The article How much are the French “Covid Passes” working in reality? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quanto-stanno-funzionando-i-covid-pass-francesi-nella-realta/ on Wed, 18 Aug 2021 11:17:22 +0000.