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Economic Scenarios

Hypocritical entrepreneurship. the Elica / Casoli case

I have decided that I do not buy more kitchen hoods, or if I buy them I will select them with extreme care. The reason? The multinational Elica, based in Fabriano, owned by the entrepreneur Francesco Casoli, has decided to lay off 409 employees out of 560 to transfer all production abroad, to Poland. We are not talking about a company in crisis, but about a healthy one that, overnight to further enrich yet another "Sciur padrun", puts 409 families on the road, many of which also damaged by the earthquake and therefore, perhaps, with mortgage and without a home.

A fine example of entrepreneurship, but not that of Max Weber, the one attacked by Karl Marx. Other than an innovative entrepreneur, here we have the most sinister of rentiers who, among other things, boasts of presiding over the Association of Italian Family Entrepreneurs. You have to be two-faced Janis, but with one of the two faces in a different position. Now I ask myself a few questions:

  • the EU will grant copiossimi aid to Poland so that it becomes "Green", money that Warsaw will use to attract, with this unfair competition, Italian companies, but the left, apart from Rizzo, has made Brussels its Golden Calf;
  • the Euro was supposed to protect us, and instead facilitates delocalization to countries that do not have it, such as Poland, which uses the Zloty: The protection was only for bad entrepreneurs who take away companies, certainly not for workers; ù
  • there are families and families. The Padrun protects its own very well, the workers can go to ramengo;

My father worked hard for nearly 70 years and boasted that he created a company without ever firing anyone, but it was another time. Today's are the times of entrepreneurs who are not innovative, but rapacious. However, I hope for legislation that closely follows these cases and applies the right tax burden on the profits accrued, wherever they are accrued, on income and capital transfers. Elica brand.

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The article Hypocritical Entrepreneurship. the Elica / Casoli case comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/imprenditoria-ipocrita-il-caso-elica-casoli/ on Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:54:30 +0000.