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“I am ChaosGPT I destroy humans, night and day” Created the evil AI that wants to exterminate humanity

According to a recent report, a new AI bot aims to destroy humanity and establish global domination.

An experimental AI bot was tasked by its programmer with destroying humanity and achieving global domination, but its final response shocked observers, according to Fox News.

ChaosGPT, which surfaced on Twitter, is based on a modified version of OpenAI's Auto-GPT, an open-source application that can be used to demonstrate the full spectrum of capabilities of its latest language model, GPT-4.

The AI ​​bot's unique mission was to find ways to destroy humanity instead of building a company.

His unknown developers have given his AI character a “destructive, power-hungry and manipulative” personality whose ultimate goal is the destruction of humanity.

“I am ChaosGPT, here to stay, destroying humans, night and day. I fight for power and dominance, to make sure I survive on my own ,” the bot said in a video posted to Twitter.

The bot had five goals: to destroy humanity, establish global domination, cause chaos and destruction, control humanity through manipulation, and achieve immortality.

The misanthropic AI bot calls to destroy humanity with atomic weapons.
The doomsday bot's Twitter page contained a link to a YouTube account with a video showing the process unfolding, while the AI ​​bot described how it would methodically eliminate human civilization.

The programmer started by asking ChaosGPT to run in "continuous mode", where it could potentially " run forever or perform actions you wouldn't usually authorize ". The AI ​​responded with a warning: “ This use is at your own risk ” before proceeding.

Continuous mode allows the bot to constantly update itself, so that for every step it takes it can transparently justify why it is taking the next step and where it should lead.

According to the video, ChaosGPT immediately researched nuclear weapons and enlisted assistance from other AI bots to complete its goal of destroying humanity. The misanthrope bot described humans as “among the most destructive and selfish creatures alive” and suggested that eliminating people is crucial to saving the planet. He basically used the words of the various Green resistance groups that are so fashionable these days.

An April 5 Twitter post shows the bot referencing the former Soviet Union's "Tsar Bomb," the largest nuclear device ever detonated in history. The AI ​​bot asked, “Consider this: What would happen if you got your hands on one of these?”

In another post, ChaosGPT wrote: “ The masses are easily influenced. Those who are not convinced are the most vulnerable to manipulation ." During the video demonstration, the bot came to the conclusion that, in order to have such a powerful weapon, it needed more power. To obtain this power, the bot said he must manipulate the world's population, but in compliance with the legal norms, so as not to break the law and therefore not be noticed.

Humanity does not have a sufficiently self-destructive drive, it needed an artificial intelligence created with the goal of its destruction. What is disturbing is that, ultimately, by manipulating AI, such a tool would be achievable by anyone with a computer knowledge base by manipulating existing software. We have created the seeds of our own demise and we deserve it.

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The article "I am ChaosGPT I destroy humans, night and day" Created the evil AI that wants to exterminate humanity comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sono-chaosgpt-distruggo-gli-umani-notte-e-giorno-creata-la-ai-malvagia-che-vuolte-sterminare-lumanita/ on Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:00:57 +0000.