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«I know me, and vvoi nun zete a c ….». The beautiful Italy of TV super-journalists exempt from all obligations


Every now and then the television, even the most sinister, manages to make some information, even if perhaps in an involuntary way. Take for example the last Piazza Pulita, which was attended by the journalist of La Verità Francesco Borgonovo. The journalist points out that the obligation to wear a mask in closed places should also apply to the television studio in Formigli. You can hear his speech here:

Even Formigli himself finds it a bit difficult to answer, also because, if there is an exemption for theatrical actors, it cannot be extended to the public, nor to guests in the room, or even to journalists.

Or there is a form of Divine exemption, linked to the role of supreme worshipers of truth, which covers only left-wing journalists. This doubt arises when we read an answer from a journalist from the editorial staff of la7 that we propose:

So, while normal people, ordinary citizens, are forced to do the annoying nasal swabs and to wear the mask everywhere, indoors, the elected journalists of the left can self-certify that they are healthy. after all, the classic leftist journalist, endowed with omniscience, is able to instantly know whether he is infected with covid or not, even asymptomatic.

If all citizens were treated like left-wing journalists, they would go around with self-certification blocks to be distributed left and right. Instead, even rightly, they must take exams and be prudent. After all, they are subjects while the general rule applies to the journalist: "I know me, and you are not a c …", with all due respect to the Law and the Constitution.

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The article "I know me, and vvoi nun zete a c …." The beautiful Italy of TV superjournalists exempt from all obligations comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ii-so-io-e-voi-nun-sete-un-c-la-bella-italia-sei-supergiornalisti-tv-esentati-da-tutti-gli-obblighi/ on Sat, 10 Oct 2020 10:16:03 +0000.