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If even the New York Times begins to understand that the war is bad … When will the awakening of Draghi and VdL?

On May 11, the New York Times ran an article starting to show that not all was going well for the United States in Ukraine and a piece of opinion hinting at a change of direction.

Then, on May 1 9 , the editorial board, the Times' general command, switched to a clear call to change direction, declaring that "total victory" over Russia is not possible and that Ukraine will have to negotiate a peace that reflects a "realistic assessment" and the "limits" of US engagement. The Times is an important newspaper because it indicates the direction to be given to the world elite. What the Times says is then slavishly taken up by various European and Western "Mainstream" newspapers and repeated by opinion leaders and politicians.

If in March the newspaper called for a rally for total victory over Russia, it is now on the front line of those who want a negotiated peace. A situation that will surely make Zelensky worried and that should also anger the Ukrainians, treated, objectively, as disposable cannon fodder, but now the trend is this The causes are multiple:

  • in the military conflict the Russian steamroller slowly and locally crushes the Ukrainian defenses. The blitzkrieg has become one of attrition in which the Ukrainians, with current means, cannot resist. We wrote about it well last November, when war still seemed unlikely. At this point either it is a question, or higher-level weapons are supplied (aviation, long-range missiles) or the Ukrainians will gradually lose ground;
  • the sanctions were useless because, in the end, they were applied only by a few states and not by India and China. After all, they haven't crushed a weaker state like Iran, how could they with Russia?
  • the "Financial War" was a boomerang that shows only how by now the elites understand only something about finance, when they like it, and nothing about economics, of its basic concepts at the level of the currency market and of surplus, trade deficit. The ruble had to collapse, it is very strong Inflation crushing Russia, instead it is the USA and Europe that have the biggest problems.

Since those in charge of the NYT line are basically a strong coward with the weak and weak with the strong, now that they have found a nut too hard they try to let go. The failure to sell the M270 MLSR missiles is a sign in this direction, while a part of the Republicans in the US chambers is breaking away from pro-Ukrainian unanimism. Two weeks time and the direction will also be reversed in the government.

Johnson's UK has other projects and will take advantage of the situation. We are left with one question: how will the interventionist maximalists, that is the Von Der Leyen Commission and Mario Draghi, to change direction? It will be a fun show.

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The article If even the New York Times begins to understand that the war is bad … When will the awakening of Draghi and VdL? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/se-anche-il-new-york-times-inizia-a-capire-che-la-guerra-va-male-a-quando-il-risveglio-di-draghi-e-vdl/ on Tue, 31 May 2022 09:00:41 +0000.