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Economic Scenarios

Imagine a eutopian future


This reflection was stimulated by Carlo Freccero, with an article he wrote in L'Antidiplomatico, entitled “The elites are the new Wizard of Oz”, which you can find HERE . It begins with this sentence: “ There is a kind of paradox concerning the great projects, utopian or dystopian, under construction today: they are at center stage, but nobody is able to see them ”.

The more a project for the future is put on display, the more people fail to see it, which is why Carlo Freccero refers to Edgar Allan Poe's "Stolen Letter" and the story of "The King is Naked". In reality today we are also in the presence of the classic " Elephant in the room ", because there is a "dystopian" project that is being carried out by a small group of people worldwide , but nobody talks about it or discusses it, as if it didn't exist, while instead it could have disastrous consequences for all of humanity.

Meanwhile, let's clarify the difference between utopia, eutopia and dystopia:

  • utopia , from the ancient Greek ou (not) and tópos (place), means "non-place", it is a political, social or religious arrangement which has no basis in reality, but which is proposed as an ideal, a purely theoretical goal and entirely unattainable ;
  • eutopia , from the ancient Greek (good or good) and tópos (place), therefore means "good place", it is a better political, social or religious order present in reality or in any case reachable;
  • dystopia , from the ancient Greek dys ( bad or negative) and tópos (place), therefore means "bad place", it is a worse political, social or religious arrangement present in reality or in any case attainable.

Let's leave utopias alone, which precisely because they are purely theoretical and completely unattainable, are considered a future that cannot be realized in reality, and instead try to think about eutopias and dystopias, which are basically two sides of the same coin : a project can be eutopian for some, but simultaneously dystopian for others. In particular, The Great Reset project carried out by the WEF is certainly "eutopian" for the small circle of subjects who conceived it, because it allows them to continue to enrich themselves at the expense of all the others, while it is certainly "dystopian" for the majority part of the world population that will suffer the consequences.

I don't want to go into the merits of this project which is being carried out with the aim of maintaining control over the rest of humanity and favoring the interests of a privileged few. From a certain point of view it can also be understandable that they want to increase and consolidate the power they have.

The problem is asking why in the rest of the population, even among those who openly criticize this project and fear it, there is no one who ever tries to hypothesize an alternative project that is just as feasible.

Deep down we know that there is no reality, only our perception. So there is a very close relationship between our perception and reality, between our ability to imagine the future and its possible realization . If we analyze all the great changes of humanity , we will discover that they have always happened because some people have begun to imagine them , then aggregating other people around their vision. And only when this vision has been shared by a sufficiently large number of people, exceeding a certain "critical mass", has it come true.

The problem is that today, unfortunately, we have all lost this "visionary" ability to imagine the future we want , also conditioned by the fact that all the media do everything possible to eliminate any form of alternative critical thinking from the discussion compared to the mainstream version .

The result is that the creation of a "dystopian" future , which most of the population would not like, becomes inevitable only because we cannot imagine another alternative. In essence, what is imagined and communicated by those who have access to all the main means of information becomes practically the only one possible and achievable.

If, on the other hand, we want to create a different and better future for ourselves and for our children, we must first of all begin to imagine an alternative future to the one proposed by the mainstream , possibly "eutopian" for most people and certainly not "dystopian" as what is served up to us every day, based on the fear of Debt, CO2 and Viruses, which all have a single consequence: stealing resources to enrich a few people at the expense of all the others.

Today our society is based on money, on the debt that this money generates, but also and above all on profit and financial income at all costs, which generate three great dystopias: unemployment, inequality and environmental destruction .

To plan and create a different and better future for everyone, we must first of all put people and their well-being at the center of our objectives , then looking for the necessary tools to maximize the satisfaction of individual and collective needs, using resources in a sustainable way scarce that we have, but being able to count on all the industrial, technological and information technology innovations that we know.

In this book written at the beginning of 2022, we tried to outline an alternative The Great RE-BEST to The Great Reset, characterized by an Economic Renaissance for Equitable and Sustainable Welfare for All and based on the development of new innovative exchange tools and technologies to encourage investment in the economy without debt to the financial markets. The book is available on our Moneta Positiva website, both in paper and electronic versions, also in English, after a small donation to our association:

Positive Money Books

The project in the book is illustrated in 12 steps:

  • 1st step – Economy and well-being
  • 2nd step – The false myths of the economy
  • 3rd step – Debt is the tumor of society
  • 4th step – Analysis and causes of crises
  • 5th step – The internal self-financing plan
  • 6th step – Public bank MCC+BPB+MPS
  • 7th step – Fiscal Current Accounts
  • 8th step – Current Savings Accounts
  • 9th step – “Conto Italia” platform
  • 10th step – Equitable Sustainable Wellbeing for All
  • 11th step – The company we want to create
  • 12th step – The world we imagine in the future

The project was also illustrated in this seminar held at the Siena Faculty of Economics on April 4, 2022, where I tried to illustrate The Great RE-BEST to students through a series of simple slides. We must and can imagine a different and better future than the one we are heading towards, in the hope that more and more people will be convinced of the importance of planning and creating the future we want for our wonderful country.

THEY won't quit easily, but WE will NEVER quit,

Fabio Conditioni

President of the Positive Money Association


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The article Imagining a eutopian future comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/immaginare-un-futuro-eutopico/ on Sat, 07 Jan 2023 17:42:26 +0000.