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In Europe, which countries deport the largest number of illegal immigrants?

With 70,000 illegal immigrants landed in Italy in the first six months, one wonders how efficient and effective the management systems for irregular migrants are, including the more extreme systems such as expulsion. The resulting data are very interesting and the most "good" in words, the most critical, can be the hardest.

As Anna Fleck of Statista explains further on, according to the Eurostat database, France carried out the largest number of deportations that year, amounting to 14,240 people (14% of the bloc's total repatriations), followed by Germany with 13,130 people ( 13%) and from Sweden with 10,490. people (10%).

Infographic: Which EU countries deport the most people? | Statesman

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The 10-year annual average for asylum seekers in each country included in the graph shows that the largest number of asylum seekers and the largest number of returns to other countries occur in both France and Germany, the bloc's two most populous countries.

Looking at these figures in parallel, Sweden stands out for a relatively high number of returns compared to the average number of asylum seekers.

In 2022, the largest groups of citizens forced to leave the territory of an EU member state were Algerians (33,535), Moroccans (35,510) and Pakistani citizens (25,280).

It is important to note here that this graph reflects only two parameters and therefore only a quick impression of a complex subject, giving an idea of ​​the scale of the number of people deported compared to the average influx.

People migrate from one country to another for all sorts of reasons and, of course, not only asylum seekers will be among those repatriated to other countries.

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The article In Europe, which countries deport the largest number of illegal immigrants? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/in-europa-quali-paesi-deportano-il-maggior-numero-di-immigrati-clandestini/ on Fri, 01 Sep 2023 07:00:55 +0000.