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Economic Scenarios

IN PRAISE OF THE CONSPIRACY – The new book by Francesco Carraro

The new book by Francesco Carraro (Byoblu editore)
Conspiracy theorist is one of the most popular insults of our time. But who is really the "conspiracy theorist"? Who hatches the conspiracies or who reports them and unmasks them? Who investigates to discover intrigues, conspiracies and conspiracies or who believes in the most ridiculous and absurd hypotheses? And what does the noun "conspiracy theory" really mean? When were these very widespread words born? Why have they been burdened with so much contempt to the point of becoming real insults? Why do the establishment and mainstream use them with increasing frequency? But above all, what is their actual and correct meaning, from a linguistic point of view? And what other meanings are they used instead? Through a long, surprising, exciting and multidisciplinary journey, the book addresses these and many other questions connected with the theme of conspiracies, conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists. Etymology, logic, law, communication sciences, philosophy, psychology, religion: a three hundred and sixty degree research to explore, understand and explain all the facets of the "conspiracy theorist" universe. At the end of the journey, the profile of a character who is anything but negative and inferior could emerge – under the guise of the epithet in question: that is, the free man, endowed with a critical conscience. That is to say, the sworn enemy of the Powers That Be, of the Matrix of Control and of Single Thought. In reality, those who are branded with this name are perhaps the only ones who have understood what enormous risks authentic freedom and true democracy run today. For this, and for many other reasons, the conspiracy theorist does not deserve the "gallows" to which he has already been condemned by the System. Instead, and at the very least, he deserves public praise: the praise of the conspiracy theorist.

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The article IN PRAISE OF THE CONSPIRACY – Francesco Carraro's new book comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elogio-del-complottista-il-nuovo-libro-di-francesco-carraro/ on Tue, 27 Feb 2024 06:58:13 +0000.