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Economic Scenarios

In / training course and Journalism practice

by Publisher Sovranità Popolare APS (Association of Social Promotion)

Seminars and workshops to write and do journalism today

He participates in the editorial offices of Sovranità Popolare, periodical and SP Agenzia Rete Information

Dear friend and dear friend,

I am pleased to invite you to the in / training and practice course organized by the publisher Sovranità Popolare APS, publisher of Sovranita Popolare monthly and Sovranita Popolare Agenzia Rete Information on-line.

The information society and new communication technologies have activated a profound change and the web has multiplied the ways of the story, offering us different, powerful and interconnected supports.

Radio, TV, newspapers, the web, bloggers, video bloggers and individual citizens are looking for an easy and effective solution but the reality is different.

The goal is to research and share the language and style in telling topics such as culture, science, politics, economics, work, history, art and technology, learning the fundamentals, tools, writing articles, videos, interviews and surveys to be published on various media such as paper, digital, audio and video, writing and photography.

in / training and Practice is not just "learning, researching, developing" but it is participation and practice in all the management processes in the editorial office, so that the articles, videos, images are published in the two newspapers: Sovranità Popolare con cadenza Monthly and Popular Sovereignty Network Agency Information on the web daily.

Participation in the in-training and practical course is paid, offers the opportunity for participants to work in a journalistic editorial office, deepen current issues and at the end of the 24 months, following the publication of the articles, in the monthly Sovranità Popolare and on Sovereignty Popular Agency Networks Information, to apply, to the order of the journalists where you are resident, as a freelance journalist or to undertake other personal choices.

The course is paid for 24 months

Let's get ready for the meeting – OPEN DAY to be defined to get to know the program and the teachers

How to participate and for information on the contents write to [email protected]

(write in subject) – Interested in the OPEN DAY In-training and Practice course.

In the text indicate: Name Surname telephone contact – or contact: 3519460960 – with message

Participation fee : € 4,800.00 + VAT (materials and multimedia handouts are included)

The fee can be paid in installments in several installments
The first by the start date (to be defined)

Duration 24 months

240 hours (12 hours per month)

Widespread teaching with the use of digital platforms

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The article in / training course and practice in journalism comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/corso-di-in-formazione-e-pratica-al-giornalismo/ on Mon, 24 May 2021 21:13:22 +0000.