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India: Indian space probe enters lunar orbit. Success for New Delhi technology

India's Chandrayaan-3 aircraft successfully entered lunar orbit after a 30-minute burn, marking a significant milestone in the mission. This is a huge milestone in space exploration for the country.

The spacecraft will gradually adjust its orbit to reduce its distance to the moon, preparing for a 100-kilometer circular polar orbit on Aug. 17.

The Vikram lander will separate from the mission's propulsion module and enter a specific orbit, preparing for the final descent and soft landing attempt on 23 August. The intended landing site, near the lunar South Pole region, distinguishes Chandrayaan-3 from previous missions, with the aim of making India the fourth country in the world to achieve a successful lunar landing.

The goal of a safe lunar landing

Based on lessons learned from the difficult landing of the Chandrayaan-2 mission in 2019 due to a software anomaly, ISRO has updated the software of Chandrayaan-3. The primary objective of this mission is to demonstrate a safe lunar landing while demonstrating surface operations through the Pragyan rover and conducting in situ science experiments.

The progress of Indian lunar exploration

The success of Chandrayaan-3 would consolidate the country's position in the history of lunar exploration. The mission involves the use of the Vikram lander and the Pragyan rover, with the aim of conducting scientific experiments during the lunar day.

Leveraging energy-saving policies and adopting solar energy, the spacecraft will try to survive the harsh lunar night, advancing India's capabilities in space exploration.

India's space exploration program has seen remarkable growth and achievements over the years. With notable missions such as Chandrayaan-1, which confirmed the presence of water molecules on the Moon, and Chandrayaan-2, which despite the setback on landing continued to collect valuable scientific data, India has demonstrated his prowess in space research.

Furthermore, the Mars Orbiter (Mangalyaan) mission is a prime example of cost-effective interplanetary missions, making India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit and the fourth space agency globally to do so. With a commitment to green policies and technological advances, India's space agency, ISRO, continues to inspire and contribute significantly to global space exploration efforts.

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The article India: Indian space probe enters lunar orbit. Success for New Delhi technology comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/india-la-sonda-spaziale-indiana-entra-in-orbita-lunare-successo-per-la-tecnologia-di-nuova-delhi/ on Tue, 08 Aug 2023 13:00:29 +0000.