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Inflation and wages: ECB officials apply the sliding scale. And you?

It must always be remembered that, in any European position, people work Pro Domo sua, that is, mainly for their own benefit. On November 27, an article in the newspaper signed by Nicola Porro clearly highlighted how ECB officials have requested the application of the sliding scale, that is, an integration based on inflation, of their salaries. After all, we know that in Germany, where the ECB is based, inflation is quite high.

Obviously, those who work at the ECB know these data very well, and, above all, they know all the related forecast data. Hence, the ISPO internal union immediately proceeded to ask for the contingency.

But Who is there at least – responsible for inflation? The ECB. Who pays the consequences of inflation? All workers, both self-employed and employees, who cannot adapt their income to the infection itself and who therefore automatically have their purchasing capacity reduced.

So it is understandable that ECB employees look to their own interests and demand the application of the revaluation of their salaries. They too have families. However, the hundreds of millions of European workers who do not have this opportunity also hold it because it has been canceled due to the austerity policies. Instead, with this request, yet another bubble of privilege is created for a category that will then decide the destinies of all the others, without feeling the consequences.

The biggest European dysfunction is precisely this: people who live inside super guaranteed bubbles on the shoulders of all other workers, and who therefore do not realize the inconvenience and disasters that occur in the economy. If a good commission official felt directly the damage he is doing to tens of thousands of small Italian companies by applying Bolkestein to maritime and market concessions, then he would probably say differently. Instead they are untouchable, they feel no discomfort and can do whatever they want. And you can only suffer.

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The article Inflation and wages: ECB officials apply the sliding scale. And you? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/inflazione-e-stipendi-i-funzionari-bce-si-applicano-la-scala-mobile-e-voi/ on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 12:00:05 +0000.