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Israel: all female combat units arrive

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are creating a new combat unit for women only, members of religious groups, who want to serve on the front lines but are afraid of appearing "Not modest" because they are forced to live in close contact with male soldiers.

Starting in March, the military will assign female recruits who request them to these new platoons, which will be established within an existing mixed border defense unit, according to the Times of Israel. The IDF said the move, aimed at allowing more women to serve in combat units, is based on practical considerations and not on a "social agenda".

The heads of religious seminaries, where many female graduates study before embarking on national service, reportedly told the IDF that their students had a "strong desire" to serve in combat roles, but were unable to reconcile. this with their observance of the "rigorous modesty" required by religious law. Until now, these women were almost forced to choose civilian rather than military combat service.

Same-sex military units already exist for religious men requesting these positions for similar reasons, the paper notes, adding that there are four mixed infantry units within the IDF's Border Defense Corps, which are tasked with guarding borders. of Israel with Egypt.

The issue of female soldiers is apparently a burning issue for some religious leaders and opponents of gender mainstreaming in the military. According to the newspaper, some critics have denounced such measures as a "dangerous social experiment with potential ramifications for national security." These detractors attack the fact that physical capacity requirements have been reduced to allow women to serve in combat units, reducing their efficiency.

This apparently superficial issue is always much discussed on social media as well, where a member of the IDF, the Israeli army, went so far as to say that "There are no female soldiers in Israel".

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The article Israel: the female-only combat units arrive comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/israele-arrivano-i-reparti-combattenti-di-sole-donne/ on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 20:37:45 +0000.