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It is not a country for Becchi

Forbidden to ask questions.

The sharp, intelligent, documented, angry and not always nice Prof. Becchi dared to ask the wrong question on twitter, at the wrong time:

A tweet arrived with too much urgency, certainly due to dismay and fear (Becchi and Sassoli are practically the same age). The impulsive professor (which is the characteristic that we like about him) actually expressed his fears about a vaccine that he declared over and over again that he did not want to do it, he sought answers, reassurance.
And he has in fact insinuated doubts about the correlation between the vaccine and Sassoli's death.

Sassoli officially died of something else, of a long-hatched disease that left him no way out. And there is no doubt that this premature death pains Becchi. But that tweet unleashed the worst part of twitter's slushy sentiments.

Far be it from us to want to defend Becchi (he must gain experience, he too must grow up, he must learn for himself what virtual world he is living in). The thing that struck us on which we want to spend a few lines is the decomposed and disgusting and sadistic reaction of the people of twitter and of the newspapers that are thrown at fish (I would say shark) on the story.

The stamp taken among the first news that appeared on the PC by googling the word "Becchi", represents only a very small part of the newspapers that have busily taken action to slam the monster on the front page. We were particularly struck by Libero, of which until very recently the professor was an appreciated collaborator, then purged of the new management.
In the articles we read shameless and opportunistic statements such as those of the former Minister Bellanova:

" Shame. There are no other ways to comment on Paolo Becchi's inferences on the death of David Sassoli ». Teresa Bellanova writes it on Facebook. "In these hours, many in the no vax networks have rejoiced, spreading hateful words and tarnishing the memory of a man of value, who has dedicated his life to Italy and Europe, carrying on with conviction the fundamental principles and ideals of our democracies – continues the deputy minister, president of IV -. I hope that those responsible for those offenses will be identified and sanctioned. Stop spreading hatred and lies. Today there is room only for the moved silence of those who knew David, his history, his commitment ».

Shame on the allegations? And why ever. He did not insult him, he did not call him a criminal, a swindler, a corrupt man. He speculated a cause of death. He was wrong, but ashamed why? And then why to associate Becchi with the words of some deranged person under his post, with hateful messages, with the PEOPLE OF THE NOVAX NETWORK. Whoever is afraid of dying "in a wrong experiment" (cit) is not necessarily a novax, first of all. Those who are intolerant to the yoke do not understand how much useful that has been imposed, it is not necessarily novax, it is just exasperated. On the other hand, anyone who rejoices in someone's death is a worm, and this should not even be discussed. And then, dear Bellanova, when you write: "Enough to spread hatred and lies" I hope that it is also referring to the representatives of the Italian people who at the press conference wave colored sheets with outdated statistics, declaring false percentages and dividing the people between good and murderous greasers. Who sows hate what does he think he is reaping?

The truth is that Becchi fell into the Net like a fish, giving the sharks the opportunity to have a big feast as soon as they smelled blood. The big ones and all the parasitic ones attached to their gills to clean up the sediments and all the wingmen who flank them. Becchi has been used as the most prominent representative of an entire category that for a year the mainstreim has been trying in every way to silence, to condemn, to annihilate. From flat-earthers to desecrators of the dead.

Becchi and all the others have been called jackals. One for the other, one is enough and all the others are merged. Instead the operation that the newspapers are doing using Becchi what could we call it? Looting is already his, theirs instead is a job for sharks, vile, hungry, who think only of feeding on views and contributions for having done their job as a killer well.

I conclude with an affectionate thought for the University of Genoa which hastened to distance itself from Professor Becchi, pointing out their blind faith in vaccines: if you don't like someone with independent, free, analytical, even doubtful thinking (i doubts are at the basis of studies, including medical) express his personal point of view, instead of a philosopher you had to hire a butler. You find as many as you want, they swarm.

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The article Non un Paese per Becchi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/non-e-un-paese-per-becchi/ on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:25:22 +0000.