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Economic Scenarios


Appreciation and applause for the export performance of the Italian Agri-food sector: in
2021 has already exceeded 50 billion euros, and the projections show it to grow for the current year,
with + 18.9% in this first quarter.
Although growth also affects the value – not just the quantity – of exported products, it goes
observed how this increase in prices mainly represents a partial recovery of
heavy increases in production costs occurred (it is useless to list the items, we know them
well all also from private citizens).
This sector, however, is still struggling to establish itself in the gourmet segment of the markets
international, the one in which it is not enough to say Parmigiano Reggiano, pasta, ham, extra virgin olive oil
etc., but a history, a distinctive competence, a single one, are enhanced and monetized
communication, a specific territoriality.
In practice, much of this Italian export is still too concentrated in the commodity segment
markets, that is, it benefits from the winning mix between "made in Italy" and low prices, but it does not go further, it does not
establishes a brand identity of the made-by (the single company) compared to that of the made-in (the
Italian origin). Where premium prices manage to impose themselves on the consumer, the relative ones
margins remain mainly in the coffers of the foreign wholesaler first, and of
then retailer; the Italian producer (often small and niche, albeit particularly
qualitative) undergoes squeezing, the penalty on the initial sale price.
We really like “the other export”, the one that sees Italy as a technological hub of reference, e
not only the classic and now dated excellence in the so-called "three A" (Clothing,
Furniture and, precisely, Agri-food).
Thus changing the sector, and coming to the more complex and technological export, three years ago, on this
same magazine, we had written about how the then established Progetto Italia, born from
merger between the Italian giants of international building contracting Anstaldi and Salini Impregilo – with
financial support from CDP, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti – would have developed a strong inducement for the
exports, perhaps indirect, also of SMEs in the construction sector, materials and machinery.
Well, among the various worldwide successes achieved in the meantime by Webuild (the new name
later hired by this building contractor), the joint project was recently announced
venture with the Indian partner Apco Infratech Pvt. Ltd. for the construction of an infrastructure
towering over the sea of ​​Mumbai, an 18-kilometer maritime highway / viaduct that will connect
the sea to the coast, and will decongest the proverbial traffic of the metropolis.
The main order for highly special machinery for the launch of prefabricated segments
(lifting capacity up to two thousand tons) has already been assigned to the Friulian company Deal
protagonist in various areas of the world with its plant technologies, which in turn
mobilizes between 15 and 20 subcontractors in Italy for a whole series of mechanical and component manufacturing.
This case-history must serve as a guiding example on how we can intervene in the world without
a lot of conference propaganda, but directly acquiring orders, the impact of which extends
on a whole series of companies, including those not structured to export or to carry out work directly,

but who can rely on a reliable and pragmatic “leader”. In this regard, the
public sector can play a significant promotional role through the “Push” program
SACE, the credit insurance always headed by CDP, and therefore by the MISE, which it organizes
regularly in the world of meeting workshops where he invites and presents to the great Main Contractors
foreign Italian companies that are particularly qualified, and not necessarily large ones.
Being able to humbly contribute in giving strategic advice to the next Italian government,
we would suggest focusing on Algeria among the target countries, which is removing everything
a number of import restrictions, and is extending the use of bank guarantee instruments on
international payments (the irrevocable letter of credit in the first place). Establish a partnership
institutional with the country of President Bouteflika, activating Simest, Sace and the banking system for the
establishment of insured “Open” credit lines ex. DLGS. 143/98 for the supply of machinery e
plants, would mean boosting SMEs in both nations, and creating a framework
cooperative which will also benefit government negotiations for gas, too
commercial and penalizing for our country as set up until now.
Marco Minossi

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The article ITALIAN MACHINERY AND PLANTS, THE EXPORT WE LIKE (by Marco Minossi) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-macchinari-e-impianti-italiani-lexport-che-ci-piace-di-marco-minossi/ on Sat, 13 Aug 2022 10:47:28 +0000.