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“It’s just a child”: third party of Project Veritas and J&J official admits that minors should not be vaccinated because “The consequences are unknown”

Project Veritas came out with the third installment of their series in which they interview, without their knowledge, experts and workers on vaccines. This time, two Johnson & Johnson officials were secretly registered and quietly claim that children should not take the covid-19 vaccine.

" Children shouldn't get a photo vaccine [COVID], " said Brandon Schatt, regional business manager.

He's a baby, you just don't, you know? It's not something that unknown in terms of long-term repercussions, you know? "

Schadt also implied that the huge push to vaccinate children is about money, not public safety.

" J&J is like stepping into the smelliest pile of shit you could get into, " he said … Congratulations on trusting your company.

Another J&J employee, scientist Justin Durrant, explicitly said "Don't take the Johnson & Johnson [COVID] vaccine, but I didn't tell you ."

As for the kids, Durrant said, " It wouldn't make much difference ."

He also commented on the pressure campaign to limit social privileges for the unvaccinated.

"Disturb [the unvaccinated] to the point where they say, ' I might as well fuck it up [and get the COVID vaccine ],' you know what I'm saying?"

"It's almost like – you're almost like a second-class citizen if you're not vaccinated… you can't do anything a normal citizen can do," he added. "If you can't work, I feel this is punishment enough … The only way people really act and comply is if it affects their pockets, like you work for a big company and are about to lose your job, better believe. that you will be the first in line [to get the COVID vaccine]… This is what we are doing ”.

Here is the full video:

We continue:

Justin Durrant, Johnson & Johnson Scientist: “Disturb [the unvaccinated] to the point where they say, 'I might as well fuck my mind [and get the COVID vaccine]', you know what I'm saying? Like "I can't get out of state", I can't – "my grandmother is in Canada and I can't visit her", you know what I'm saying? You can't go to France if you're not vaccinated – you know you have to keep doing things like that where you're almost like a second class citizen if you're not vaccinated, but I know it's terrible . "

Veritas Journalist: “ Are you almost what? "

Durrant: "As a second-class citizen, as if you couldn't do anything that a normal citizen can do ."

Veritas Journalist: “ A second-class citizen ? "

Durrant: " Yeah, like top marks, like the ones who get it, and the ones who like it – then you can't make a fuss ."

Veritas Journalist: “ So how do we punish [the unvaccinated]? "

Durrant: " I mean, if you can't work, I feel it's punishment enough ."

Veritas Journalist: "People what?"

Durrant: " The only way people really act and comply is if it affects their pockets, for example if you work for a large company and are about to lose your job, you better believe that you will be first in line [a get the COVID vaccine] ".

Veritas Reporter: “ Right, so if you work for a large company and are about to lose your job, will you be first in line? "

Durant: “ Yes “.

Veritas Journalist: “ It's so true. It's smart, that's what we have to do.

Durrant: " This is what we're doing ."

Durrant said he doesn't recommend getting his company's vaccine. He asked the Veritas reporter to keep this information private.

" Don't get the Johnson & Johnson [COVID] vaccine, but I didn't tell you, " he said.

Both Durrant and Brandon Schadt, J&J Regional Business Lead, said applying the COVID vaccine to children would not move the needle in the battle against the pandemic.

" It wouldn't make much difference " if children weren't vaccinated for COVID, Durrant said.

He's a baby, you just don't, you know? It's not something that is well known enough in terms of long-term repercussions, you know? ”Said Schadt.

He's a baby, he's a fucking baby, you know? They shouldn't get a fucking [COVID] vaccine, you know ? "

Schadt compared the effectiveness of J & J's COVID vaccine with other pharmaceutical companies.

J&J is like stepping into the heap of me… the most fragrant you could get into, ” he said.

Heartfelt congratulations to Project Veritas and to the consistency of the researchers and staff. Who knows if an Italian journalist will ever make such an investigation. Ah no, here journalists are like Marta Merlino.

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The article "He's just a child": third part of Project Veritas and official J&J admits that minors should not be vaccinated because "The consequences are unknown" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/e-solo-un-bambino-terza-parte-di-project-veritas-e-funzionario-jj-ammette-che-i-minori-non-dovrebbero-essere-vaccinati-perche-le-conseguenze-sono-sconosciute/ on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 09:00:05 +0000.