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Economic Scenarios

Jobs that will soon disappear: hauliers with light vehicles. Ford delivers self-driving trucks for Walmart

In a world that increasingly develops autonomous driving and AI, how long can certain jobs last, such as that of light transporter on fixed lines? We don't know, but probably not much…

We come to the advanced trial underway in the US: autonomous delivery vans will operate on fixed routes from a warehouse to a warehouse or a transshipment point to reduce transportation costs and improve delivery to consumers. Walmart, a US supermarket chain, began testing this solution in June in partnership with Ford and Silicon Valley-based advanced computing firm Gatik. Ford supplied the vans, while Gatika equipped them with technology that makes the vans autonomous vehicles, reports Bloomberg.
According to analysts, these intermediate transports, which constitute a billion-dollar market in the USA, lend themselves easily to replacement because they are transports with fewer obstacles. So the return on invested capital will be easier and faster. According to industry experts, it is transport, and not taxis, that will see the first uses of autonomous driving, and this is because there is no problem of the human passenger, and because the boom in online sales facilitates the development of this sector .

According to the expert, there are currently fewer obstacles to the supply of goods by autonomous vehicles than the taxi market, which also tries to introduce driverless cars. Furthermore, this offers a better perspective on the revenues, which come from the boom in online shopping. Walmart currently does not make a profit from its online sales due in part to the cost of intermediate transport. The introduction of this innovation should bring down transport costs and make this type of activity convenient. In this phase the final delivery will still be carried out by human drivers, also because the routes vary day by day, but in the meantime a lot of workers will disappear. Then the innovation will also condemn the others.

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The article Jobs that will soon disappear: hauliers with light vehicles. Ford self-driving truck delivery for Walmart comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lavori-che-spariranno-presto-gli-autostraportatori-con-mezzi-leggeri-ford-consegna-con-mezzi-a-guida-autonoma-per-walmart/ on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 11:22:13 +0000.