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July 14: the French will celebrate the storming of the Bastille with another revolution

American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines lead the annual Bastille Day military parade down the Champs-Elysees in Paris, July 14, 2017. DoD photo by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Dominique Pineiro

Tomorrow we celebrate the Storming of the Bastille, the French national holiday, the day of the military parade and the Glory of the Republique. Yet there are rumors, no one knows how realistic, but still worrying, that the French will decide to celebrate July 14 with another revolution.

A usually well-informed source on social media, Anonyme Citoyen, reported rumors of an unauthorized protest rally that should focus tomorrow on the Place de la Bastille, the symbolic place in Paris where the fortress destroyed by the revolutionaries stood. . The purpose of the rally would be to initiate a lively protest against the high cost of living and against the Macron government.

The moment is also very serious for France with:

  • the country crushed by the high cost of living, even if less than Italy. In this field, the government is trying to do something by nationalizing EDF, but the forecasts for winter energy costs, with half nuclear power plants stopped, are very bad;
  • the Uber scandal involving the president, who acted as a "Super lobbyist" for the American multinational. On the right someone has asked for his resignation, on the left they ask for the commission of inquiry;
  • a France, however, also in turmoil for protests at the borders, with German and Dutch peasants who have joined forces to protest against the insane environmental policies of the EU and the nation states, to which Paris is no stranger.

In addition, the prefect of Paris, Didier Lallement, known for the ruthless harshness with which he has repressed the demonstrations of the Yellow Vests, has announced that he will leave his post on 20 July next. So these are the last days of his tenure.

Whatever happens, we hope that the demonstrations, if any, will not be violent, even if popular exasperation is understandable. Having said this good 14 Julliet to the cousins ​​from beyond the Alps!

PS: the avenues of Paris were built so wide and straight not for traffic, which was minimal in the nineteenth century of Napoleon III, but to allow the cavalry to charge in case of riots …

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The article July 14: the French will celebrate the storming of the Bastille with another revolution comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/14-luglio-i-francesi-festeggeranno-la-presa-della-bastiglia-con-unaltra-rivoluzione/ on Wed, 13 Jul 2022 07:00:51 +0000.