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LA CASELLATI TO GET OUT OF THE SWAMP? A hypothesis of Centro-destra.it

Visit of the Italian Women's Football Team

Giorgio La Porta, a fine analyst of centro-destra.it , fielded a Ballon d'Essai that could be very useful to get out of a ridiculous, if not insulting stalemate, in which the Conte government and its botched gang led us . The contradictions of the Foggia lawyer were known from the beginning, but the progressive putrefaction of the M5s, combined with the minimal quality of many ministers and Renzi's leadership, even justified, are creating a blocking situation that is intolerable in the face of a Country in deep suffering. Better a purifying passage, which La Porta sees as follows:

If the government crisis is not resolved and the rags continue to fly to the left, the center-right would be ready to take a step forward , however dictating precise conditions for a timed institutional government that would accompany the country to vote in the spring .

Salvini's steps forward and the silence of the forces seem strange, while Giorgia Meloni has already raised her voice excluding any possible collaboration with the Pd and M5S.

But if the crisis does not unravel and a broad executive is needed capable of involving everyone, then the center-right could ask for the head of Conte , not to include Mario Draghi who is a figure who without any problem could aim for quite other roles, but expect that to lead Palazzo Chigi there is the second position of the State, or the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Casellati.

If there is an emergency to be addressed and everyone must be involved, we cannot expect to keep those who have pointed the finger at the leaders of the sovereign opposition at Palazzo Chigi .

In these hours circulating in the corridors this hypothesis that could agree the Center-right, would not mind the Colle and not even the more institutional left . The only person who could lick his wounds is precisely that 5-star Movement which sees Conte as the only foothold before the abyss , but at this point his opinion is completely irrelevant.

A government without political ministers, with a mandate of a few months to accompany the Italians to the polls and led by the highest institutional figure in Parliament and voted by the center-right, could be a good solution to get out of the daily quarrels of the majority and return Palazzo Chigi to a Government finally elected by the Italians before the summer break.

Casellati has shown on several occasions that she has much higher political and human qualities than her colleague in the Chamber. Moreover, it is, however, the second cariousness of the state. What is the right way to get out of the swamp, avoiding months of attrition?

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The article LA CASELLATI TO GET OUT OF THE SWAMP? A hypothesis of Centro-destra.it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-casellati-per-uscire-dalla-palude-una-ipotesi-di-centro-destra-it/ on Wed, 16 Dec 2020 07:40:46 +0000.