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Lamorgese was condescending to the assault on the CGIL

Minister Lamorgese said that in Rome there was no negotiation with the violent demonstrators who attacked the CGIL. Everything would have happened against the will of the police and the minister. Too bad that there is ample documentation that proves the exact opposite: the march towards the CGIL of Forza Nuova took place with the agreement of the Police

Here is the chronology confirmed by the documents found by Fuori dal Coro:

  • 15.30 Castellino announces the assault on the CGIL
  • 17.30 The document of the police, says that "A dynamic path" towards the CGIL is allowed, at the request of the demonstrators, all confirmed in the papers of the arrest of Roberto Fiore;
  • 17.30 Another document certifies that "A mediation was held".
  • Lamorgese did not intervene on the square in front of the CGIL because the "Situation was in danger of escalating". So if you are violent do what you want, if you are non-violent and you start praying in front of the police I beat you up.

So the negotiation between Forza Nuova and the Police Headquarters took place and the assault on the CGIL was allowed by the police.

Then there is the famous case of the agent, supposedly infiltrated, leaning against the police van with the other agents, who "was verifying the wave force," according to Lamorgese … He really said it!

Not to mention Castellino, one of the leaders of Forza Nuova in Rome, who has delinquent unpunished since 1996, upon the admission of the police themselves. Tre Daspo, he started a delinquent path since he was less than 20 years old and has always shown a total disregard for the laws. Was such a person "unknown to law enforcement"? In the last year alone he has been reported three times. Among other things, he has a good record, including drug dealing and scams. Nobody noticed it.

Here is the video testimony from the program:

PS: meanwhile the Hon. Morani, the European left of the PD or S&D, thanks for the repression in Trieste

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The Lamorgese article was condescending to the assault on the CGIL comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lamorgese-era-accondiscendente-allassalto-alla-cgil/ on Wed, 20 Oct 2021 06:00:46 +0000.