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Latina, that is, as also in Italy, elections can be fake

Even in Italy, it seems, elections can be managed, with the right management of tellers, presidents, controllers, list representatives. The practical example is the cancellation of the result of the municipal administrative elections in Latina in 2021, on the appeal of the loser Zaccheo and the forfeiture of the "Not elected" mayor Damiano Colletta and of all the elected officials. It was all wrong, all fake, and all to be redone …

According to what was reported by LatinaTu, the TAR acted, after reporting the defeated, also on the recommendation of the Prefecture which in its report had shown how there were huge holes in the minutes of the polling stations. In several polling stations there was no correspondence between validated and unvoted ballots in the minutes and in the results. Practically there were hundreds of validated and not voted ballots, but then, in the counting of the votes, these were cast. Evidently someone brought the card from home and the tellers didn't have big problems in validating them. all this was then evident from a recount of votes ordered by the Prefecture which, in the presence of the list representatives, highlighted the large discrepancies between ballots and minutes, a situation that shows the sloppiness of the section presidents, but also opens the way to strong doubts of electoral fraud. There are also messes with canceled cards, but the big problem is the difference between stamped and counted cards. For these reasons, the TAR canceled the electoral results and ordered the voting to be repeated in 22 sections.

By now we are truly slipping towards the banana republic, but with the velvety-speaking media pretending nothing has happened. Next time, "American style", even the dead will vote!

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The article Latina, or how elections can be fake in Italy too, comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/latina-ovvero-come-anche-in-italia-si-possono-taroccare-le-elezioni/ on Sun, 10 Jul 2022 07:58:53 +0000.