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Economic Scenarios


In this lesson Claudio Borghi introduces the topic of Target 2, that is, the balances that exist within the ECB between the various central banks. As we know these are balances that indicate only the monetary movements between the individual central banks, they are not really credits and debts, also because they are the result of payments, or investments, made. The problem is that the euro, just as a system, is so badly done, and over time it has been managed even worse, it has generated the doubt in someone that these balances are REALLY debts and credits, and the doubt has raised it especially in the Germany, which has a positive balance of 1 trillion, but towards incoming banks, such as the Italian and Spanish, which will never be able to repay it. Why then should they, given that these are balances that arise precisely in the face of actual payments? But the fact that the Germans think they are real credits, and that if they get out of the euro they could have 1000 billion in premiums helps us, while we have to do ANYTHING to protect Italy's assets from the robbery these people would like. do to our detriment.

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The article #LEBBASI 22: TARGET 2 AND HOW TO GET GERMANY OUT OF THE EURO comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lebbasi-22-target-2-e-come-far-uscire-la-germania-dalleuro/ on Wed, 26 Aug 2020 21:12:29 +0000.