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LONDON EVACUATED AND ISOLATED. It looks like 1939, but without heroes

The United Kingdom has made a different choice from that of Italy: it has decided to put London in tight lockdown, which now appears as one of the epicenters of Covid-19 at the moment, together with southern England. It seems that there is a new mutation of the virus that has hit this area no longer deadly, but with a more rapid spread, which makes it almost

The result was what could be expected: an exodus from London to the countryside, something not seen since 1939. Stations are crowded, such as Pan Pancras and Victoria, with long lines of people wanting to leave the city before the more restrictive lockdown begins. These are scenes that have not been seen since 1939, when women and children were advised, if possible, to leave the city for fear of the Nazi bombings. In those days the UK relied on its men, first in France, then in the English skies, where a handful of heroes repelled the attacks of the Luftwaffe. Today there are no heroes, only fear.

In the meantime, the Netherlands have decided to stop flights to London. The reason? the fear that the new strain of the virus, with a high diffusion, could reach the Netherlands. Will this measure be effective? For now, apart from very limited and particular situations, such as certain island states, the technique of isolation has not been successful, at most it has delayed its diffusion for a short period. Maybe the virus has already arrived in Belgium and no one has noticed it yet.

The real solution to the virus is not the murder of the economy and of freedom We are now getting used to prison, but this is a strong social backwardness, not an advance. The solution is the cure. Instead, even science seems to be involved and unable to free itself from certain bonds that are now very dangerous. If this is a war it must be fought with warfare methods, instead they seem to be fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.

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The article LONDON EVAQUATED AND ISOLATED. It looks like 1939, but without heroes it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/londra-evaquata-ed-isolata-sembra-il-1939-ma-senza-eroi/ on Sun, 20 Dec 2020 08:44:01 +0000.