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Economic Scenarios

Luciano Barra Caracciolo: structure of European economic governance. That is why

This is the speech by Luciano Barra Caracciolo at the conference on the New European Economic Governance which was held last 12 May in Brussels. The intervention in this case in the full version recreates the genesis of the regulatory cage that crushes European countries and compresses them in an environment where the only way to survive is to devour each other through budget cuts and cut of the welfare state. Because this was the design, not so secret, that was behind the whole Maastricht mechanism, born at a time when the enemy was sociality. an old design already at its birth in 1992, but now it is harmful, frankly narrow-minded. But it seems untouchable, indeed we are proceeding with increasingly harsh rules for its application.

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The article Luciano Barra Caracciolo: structure of European economic governance. That is, because it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/luciano-barra-caracciolo-struttura-della-governance-economica-europea-cioe-perche/ on Fri, 13 May 2022 08:00:45 +0000.