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Marine Le Pen presents an amendment to include abortion in the French constitution

As described by VA , a radical change of course has been taken by the French Rassemblement National on the issue of the right to life. . On Monday, November 21, Marine Le Pen presented an amendment to the National Assembly to allow for the inclusion “ in the preamble of the Constitution [of] the current law relating to the voluntary termination of pregnancy “. This amendment comes in the wake of the France Insoumise draft law on abortion, which MEPs will soon have to examine in the National Assembly. The RN group spoke of a "balanced" proposal that takes into account both the protection of abortion and its supervision, particularly as regards the time limits established by law.

Today, the abortion law is included only in the Public Health Code. The amendment presented by Marine Le Pen raises doubts, while the deputy still declared on November 13 to the Journal du dimanche that she did not understand "the danger to which this request for constitutionalisation should respond" with the request for constitutional protection of the proposed abortion from the left of NUPES. The Rassemblement National is often singled out for its ambiguity on the matter, but this amendment clarifies its positions, at least from a tactical and current point of view. Is it a real belief or a political strategy? The political discussion that will take place in the French parliament will clarify this and bring out the nature of the right of the RN.

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The article Marine Le Pen presents an amendment to include abortion in the French constitution comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/marine-le-pen-presenta-un-emendamento-per-inserire-linterruzione-di-gravidanza-nella-costituzione-francese/ on Tue, 22 Nov 2022 13:35:51 +0000.