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Mario Draghi escapes? Most overrated leader in history, unsuitable for any emergency

Yesterday Affaritaliani published this article in which Mario Draghi's desire to resign was presented. The reason? He realized that he was a disappointment and that he could not deal with the current crisis situation. Let's talk clearly:

  • the PNRR or Recovery Fund reveals itself, every day more, for what it is, that is, a chimera that will not bring anything positive for Italy. Yet he, on the orders of Europe and presidential, has put it as the "Ultimate End" of his mandate;
  • the second mission, the revision of European constraints, was a failure. The German boss has made it clear that he does not want to see them again, and if there are any changes it will be due to the Ukrainian emergency;
  • failed to manage a serious exit strategy from the Covid-19 emergency. while all of Europe has put an end to the restrictions for Covid-19, he remains a slave to the CTS and to Hope. A not very lucid and not courageous position;
  • the Ukrainian crisis has revealed its total non-existence on the true international level. Putin phoned Macron and Scholz several times, never Draghi. Di Maio's foolishness certainly didn't help him. Italy matters little, and he matters even less.

In the end it was seen that Draghi is not the savior of the Fatherland, but a person who wished to become President of the Republic and who, failing to do so, has no great interest in administering Italy. In spite of his "Grandfather on a mission", in the end he turned out to be a rightly ambitious person, who worked pro domo his own, and who, taking away the possibility of the Presidency of the Republic, has no interest in Italy.

Furthermore, what is happening now shows him as a bureaucratic leader, not very elastic, not unifying. The very recent story of the revision of the land registry has shown him as a despotic executor of the orders of the left and of the EU, or of those he considers the orders of the EU, without a great sense of the situation. The Ukrainian crisis confronts Italy with important energy and foreign policy choices, and he, instead of unifying, seeking the broadest consensus in the face of a shared industrial and energy strategy, acted in a partisan way in favor of a left less and less interested in Italians.

If he resigns it won't be a drama. It is not the death of a Pope, who enjoys a far superior appointment. Another Prime Minister will be made, perhaps less disappointing.

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Does the article Mario Draghi escape? The most overrated leader in history, unsuitable for any emergency, comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mario-draghi-scappa-leader-piu-sopravvalutato-della-storia-inadatto-a-qualsiasi-emergenza/ on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 11:30:42 +0000.