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Economic Scenarios

Mario Draghi: “The Single Market is NOT the answer to inequality and unemployment. W digital sovereignty

The Single Market is not the answer to everything, especially the problems of income and wealth inequality. nor to the problem of unemployment. Intra-EU and Extra-EU trade will have grown, even if, in the end, it was a parallel movement.

The problems of inequality and unemployment have NOT been solved by the Union from “More Europe”. So the nation states have to solve them.

Told by those who swear eternal and absolute fidelity, it is an incredible acknowledgment. So the EU has not solved all the problems, on the contrary, it is still far from giving a solution to what, in the end, are closest to the people: income and work. Because the fired worker of Termini Imerese or Cesano Maderno, or Todi, does not iteress to know that there is a boo in the trade, if he does not bring home decent lunch and dinner. So we have a big problem that Europe does NOT solve. A first small step. The next will be to realize that Europe is the problem, not that it is, as it appears today, the nation state and its lack of action.

PS it seems that this part was NOT in the drafts of this morning's speech…. A thing in Arm?

We thank Inreverent and Good Listening.

PS. then there was also the issue of digital sovereignty, which instead has become digital subjection. W sovereignty

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The article Mario Draghi: “The Single Market is NOT the answer to inequality and unemployment. W digital sovereignty comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mario-draghi-il-mercato-unico-non-e-la-risposta-a-disuguaglianza-e/ on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:58:39 +0000.