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Economic Scenarios

Mattarella in the second term. But you think differently …

Sergio Mattarella is elected president of the Italian Republic for the second time . The quorum of 505 votes is reached at 20.19 on January 29 and the white smoke technically and officially consecrates him as president for the seven-year term 2022-2029 . At 8.41 pm the count ends and the votes are 759 : he is the second most voted head of state in the history of the Republic, after Sandro Pertini. Too bad the republic is different.

His confirmation was greeted by a long round of applause from those present, happy to stay in their place until the parliamentary pension. After all, in 2005, also said " Revenge of the Sith ":

Does the almost plebiscitary vote in parliament reflect the popular feeling, your feeling? not yours that, in just six hours, you gave almost 3,000 votes and as follows:

85% expressed their strong opposition to re-election. What will the consequences be?

Of course, our constituents are not representative of the entire electorate. Certainly there are many who uncork the champagne this evening, but among these there is not the most of our readers. Perhaps many others around you are also not happy. Are we sure that, in any case, 70% of the people support the choice, or do the parliamentary chambers represent only themselves at this moment?

Now for a year it will go on exactly as before, then there will be the elections. We will see how the political forces will present themselves in front of the voters. It will be an interesting sight.

PS: only one thing will not change, the servility of the media

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The Mattarella article in the second term. But you think differently… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mattarella-al-secondo-mandato-voi-pero-la-pensate-diversamente/ on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 20:34:53 +0000.