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Mental health: what are the average costs for psychotherapy?

Taking care of yourself isn't just about eating well and exercising regularly, it also includes activities designed to improve mental well-being . Physical and psychological health are essential to feel good, yet there are few people who deal with both with the same promptness. If going to the doctor is obvious in the presence of pain or physical symptoms, it is not as common to go to the psychologist to treat a mental disorder such as anxiety or depression. This is due to the stigma that still surrounds the topic of mental health, as well as a low awareness of the topic. This is why many think of psychotherapy sessions as a luxury service, an expense that is difficult to justify because it is considered superfluous . So let's try to understand what the average costs for psychotherapy are and what are the reasons why it can be important to undertake it.

What is the price of psychotherapy sessions

To talk about the price of psychotherapy, it is first of all useful to distinguish it from a counseling session with a psychologist. Psychotherapy treats psychic disorders and mental and emotional difficulties through specific tools and techniques, based on the clinical model in which the therapist has specialized. Consultations with a psychologist are instead a less structured support opportunity, and generally have a lower price than psychotherapy .

According to the tariff published on the website of the Order of Psychologists, the price for individual psychotherapy should be kept between 40 and 140 euros for a session of 45-60 minutes. The average cost of a psychotherapy interview in Italy is between 70 and 80 euros , but can vary significantly based on various factors. Therapists with an outpatient clinic in a central area of ​​large cities often have higher rates, which even reach 90 or 100 euros per session. Other elements that influence the cost of therapy are the professional's years of experience, his training, and his specialization . We must also bear in mind that couples therapy costs more than individual therapy, usually between 80 and 120 euros, while group therapy is cheaper with an average price of 40-60 euros. Another form of psychotherapy that generally has lower rates is through online platforms such as Serenis , which offer individual sessions at a cost of around 50 euros. With network therapy it is also necessary to evaluate the saving of time and money obtained by avoiding travel by car or on public transport.

Is it worth starting psychotherapy?

It is understandable that, especially in times of socio-economic uncertainty such as the present one, many think of therapy as a service they cannot afford . Moreover, the data show that the price of sessions with a psychotherapist in Italy is actually higher in relation to average salaries than in other European countries. However, it is necessary to evaluate the possible consequences for those who continue to live with an untreated mental disorder or condition of mental distress. The impact on quality of life can be quite severe in the long run, sometimes leading to problems in working life, strained personal relationships, difficulties in studying and social isolation. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for ignoring a disorder such as anxiety or depression to increase the risk of physical health problems , because when you are in an emotionally unhealthy state it can be difficult even to carry out daily activities such as cooking or leaving the house. Just as we wouldn't think of ignoring a fracture or heart disease, we should evaluate mental disorders in a similar way, seeking treatment options as they arise.

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The article Mental health: what are the average costs for psychotherapy? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salute-mentale-quali-sono-i-costi-medi-per-la-psicoterapia/ on Mon, 21 Nov 2022 14:27:46 +0000.