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Mentana calls Oliver Stone peracottaio. I miss this poor Orwell could have imagined.

It is a great idea to de-puff the buffaloes. Too bad that the sbufalatore should at least be authoritative in doing so. I remind you of two of his sensational and amusing peracottaro figures. Then I tell you about the dangerous and serious fakes.

1 ) Mentana: “The Azov battalion is not Nazi”. No, no, I know regazzi … ..

2) Confuses images from a film, Project X, with live images of the assault on the Capitol. (very embarrassing scene)

Then there would be this matter, very heavy, and quite negligible:

Open manages to publish four fake news in three days, and on a very serious fact, such as the war in Ukraine and the crimes committed by soldiers on civilians. Panorama, now from La Verità, lists the following wrong reports:

  • On April 5 he publishes as true the news of a woman tortured in Gostomel with a swastika engraved on her chest. The news was posted on Twitter by a Ukrainian MP, Lesya Vasylenko, and picked up by Zelensky's entourage. Too bad then the direct testimony of the Italian journalist Maurizio Vezzosi and Patrick Lancaster report that the body was found in Mariupol and in a less clear situation. Cancellation of the Tweet and rectification of Open.
  • In the same article of April 5, another unverified news appeared. Repubblica tells in an article by Brunella Giovara the testimony of a woman, Alina, about her neighbors: “The adults were shot by the Russians. There remain a child and his sister, who were raped for a long time, then killed. The bodies were recovered, and they also did an autopsy to collect the organic traces of the rapists ". Alina says that a girl has a Z drawn on her belly. The story comes from the Facebook page of the journalist Alina Dubovksa, journalist of the Ukrainian newspaper Public, who posted a news story which she admits she did not check for veracity: «I was not a witness. The story is based exclusively on the words of a relative of mine »A cousin who, however, does not feel like testifying. The story disappears because it cannot be verified.
  • Also on April 5th, an unlucky day, Open publishes another article. Title: "Asanbekovich and unit 51460: who are the commander and the brigade accused of the Bucha massacre". The site explains that InformNapalm activists "have said that Asanbekovich, who is about 40 years old, is part of the Buryats, the largest ethnic minority of Mongolian origin in Siberia. To wage war on Ukraine, unit 51460 left from Knyaze-Volkonskoye, in the territory of Khabarovsk, in far eastern Russia ». The photo of the department is also published. Too bad then, upon telephone verification by the journalists, it turns out that the photo is from 2019, it portrays the cheerful conscripts and that by now those soldiers are at home for the end of the naja.
  • April 7 is no better. Like other newspapers, Open also denounces: «Russia is using
    crematory ovens to burn the bodies of women and children ». And he specifies what the source is: «A
    it was said yesterday by the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Vereshchuck in a speech on Sky Tg
    24 ". In this case, Open does not publish images. On the Ukrainian social networks, however, the photo circulates
    of a truck open in the back that is called a walking crematorium. "This
    that's what Russian war crimes use in Mariupol to hide their crimes. The
    pinnacle of horror »tweets boxer Volodymyr Klitschko. On the same wavelength,
    the official page of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry: «They destroyed the bodies of hundreds
    of tortured and murdered citizens ”. And, quoting the mayor of Mariupol, he adds: «The world
    he has never seen a tragedy on the scale of Mariupol since the days of the Nazi camps ». Too bad that the photo in question is nothing more than a still image of a video of 26 August 2013 of the Turmalin company that produces mobile plants for the destruction of biological material. There is no objective evidence of the use of such implants. At best, we can speak of rumors, not evidence.

    Open distributes four very heavy fake news in a week, and is Facebook's Fact Checker: who gave these improvisers so much power?

In this article, however, he sings them and plays them:

"Open, the most trusted site in Italy according to the annual NewsGuard study".

Do the math and imagine the others.


Mentana, have mercy on us: at least shut up and forget about Oliver Stone. Compared to you, he is an amateur.

The Facebook fuck checkers…. you spell it like this, right?

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The Mentana article calls Oliver Stone peracottaio. I miss this poor Orwell could have imagined. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mentana-chiama-peracottaio-oliver-stone-questa-manco-il-povero-orwell-se-la-sarebbe-potuta-immaginare/ on Fri, 15 Apr 2022 15:47:40 +0000.