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#Mes: the 5Stelle have abolished poverty (theirs) and are preparing to destroy democracy (by G. PALMA)

On the content of the reform of the European Stability Mechanism, and on the critical aspects of the same, I have already written this article, jointly with P. Becchi, on Libero a few days ago. I recommend a preliminary reading to understand the mechanisms of the current Mes and what will come after the reform : https://scenarieconomici.it/la-riforma-del-mes-e-un-pericolo-per-la-democrazia- a-return-of-the-eu-stepmother-of-p-becchi-eg-palma-su-free / amp /? __ twitter_impression = true

Now I would like to focus on another aspect, not technical but political. In its 2018 electoral program, the M5S had, among the fundamental points, the definitive overcoming of the Mes. Just over two and a half years have passed since those political elections, yet on December 9 the Movement will vote in favor of the majority parliamentary resolution – which the ESM strengthens it and makes it more violent – to ensure that Conte goes to the European Council of the 10-11 December and say a definitive yes for Italy to the reform of the Mechanism.

What happened in 2012 with Fiscal compact and again with Mes is happening, with all the necessary distinctions. The then majority PdL-Pd-Udc ( ie the ABC Alfano-Bersani-Casini axis ) voted uncritically for the authorization to ratify those two treaties amid thunderous applause of the media. A few months earlier (April) that same majority had also approved the balanced budget in the Constitution in the last passage of the second resolution.

Necessary measures – Alfano, Bersani and Casini said at the time – which would have served to lower the spread, put the accounts in order and be more credible in its markets. In reality, these were liberal measures capable of destroying the economy of an entire country. Measures still in force today, one of which – the MES – will become much more invasive after the ratification procedure next year (2021).

The M5S , which entered Parliament in 2013, campaigned entirely against the Fiscal compact, the Mes and the euro. Years pass and, after 15 months of government with the Lega, Di Maio and Conte – terrified by the early elections that would have handed over the country to Salvini – pass with the Democratic Party, then become the " operational arm " of the party that eight years earlier had voted for the Mes and now wants to strengthen it.

Why this incredible change of position? Di Maio and the other club leaders of the Movement must guarantee the continuity of the Conte government at all costs in order to avoid the risk of early elections. The blank semester starts at the end of July 2021 and it is necessary to make false papers to get to that date. After that, the Chambers cannot be dissolved until the election of the new President of the Republic in January 2022.

It happened, however, that some pentastellato parliamentarians rebelled and announced his no to the vote of 9 December on the majority resolution, with the risk of having Conte go to the Senate and create a government crisis. The regime press is ready to put dissidents in line: the usual false tissue from the Quirinale according to which Mattarella – in the event of a government crisis – will dissolve the Chambers and send the country to the polls. This is false , in fact in the event of a government crisis there will be no early elections because no one – not even Mattarella – will allow the Quirinale to end up being elected by the center-right, an event that would occur in the event of early political elections. Elections that cannot take place in the short term, also because the colleges must first be redesigned after the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians. But the fake tissue has served to scare some of the dissident Grillini parliamentarians, terrified of the mortgage to be paid in case they return to the vote and they are not re-elected.

In short, the 5 Star Movement has become the party of the establishment , of conservation: first the alliance with the Democratic Party, then the suspension of fundamental rights with the Dpcm, now the ok to the reform of the Mes. The Democratic Party , that is the party of foreign interests, toasts satisfied. The white coup was accomplished by depriving the exits of the vote of March 4, 2018 and having brought home the main technical-economic tools capable of destroying the country.

The vilest of betrayals served. At the expense of millions of defenseless citizens and future generations. But nobody cares about this, neither the 5Stelle nor the Pd. The illegitimate retention of power is also achieved through the worst sellout of democracy.

Giuseppe PALMA

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Literary Tips :

by Paolo Becchi and Giuseppe Palma, “ DEMOCRACY IN THE QUARANTINE. How a virus has swept the country ", Historica edizioni, April 2020.

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The article #Mes: the 5Stelle have abolished poverty (theirs) and are preparing to destroy democracy (by G. PALMA) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mes-i-5stelle-hanno-abolito-la-poverta-la-loro-e-si-preparano-a-distruggere-la-democrazia-di-g-palma/ on Sun, 06 Dec 2020 22:08:58 +0000.