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Economic Scenarios

Michetti and Martone, the CDX duo for Rome. First interview

After a period of stalemate the center-right, united, chooses its tandem for the race for mayor of Rome. On the one hand, Professor Enrico Michetti as candidate for mayor and Simonetta Martone as "Prosindaco",

Enrico Michetti was also among the favorites in the latest Tecnè poll for Adnkronos, which asked a very large sample of Roman citizens 'Who they would choose as mayor of Rome'. “Michetti – reads the report – reaches 35% at the city level, Gualtieri 33%, Raggi 18% and Calenda 14%, with an abstention-uncertain percentage of 44%. In detail, Michetti records 40% in southern Rome; 38% in eastern Rome; 37% in western Rome; 33% in central Rome; 28% in northern Rome, thus presenting itself stronger in the most popular areas. At the same time, the Martone satisfies the more centrist currents.

A "In Bocca al lupo" to the new candidates

Here is his first interview from RadioRadio

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The article Michetti and Martone, the CDX duo for Rome. First interview comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/michetti-e-martone-il-duo-del-cdx-per-roma-prima-intervista/ on Wed, 09 Jun 2021 17:37:54 +0000.